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Dark Mechanicus


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Greetings followers of the eight fold path.


As a DG player I'm always looking at new ways to show off the army and when adding FW units I try and put a bit of story behind it, thus building a story of my Pallid Hand army.


For instance, I've added a leviathan to my army and my story in short was the pilot was lost and forgotten on a small Forge World ready to be interred into the leviathans chassis on the end of the Horus Heresy. He was long forgotten and life continued on with him in a forgotten vault dreaming.


As the great rift opened the Forge World was cut off, for many years the FW continued on with no contact.


Through the last encounter, the hero of the Pallid Hand, the sorcerer divines visions in the rotting guts of the ork warboss of a great asset on world of heat and metal.


They travel to the FW, corrupt the place with Ferric Blight, and finding the DG interred marine, change his mind to follow the Pallid Hand, which wasn't hard because he went a little mad and loves his new shiny corrupted Leviathan body.


Now I was a little lost til Forgebane came out, since the FW was hit with Ferric Blight, the new Arminger would be a fantastic corrupted asset including skitari troops.


Is there anyone that has some homegrown Dark AdMech rules to look over or point in the right direction.

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You could always use the current rules. Cultists and Pox walkers can be Tech Thralls. The FW Hellwright is your boss at the forge. All the different possessed vehicles and daemonengines are already going down the path of the dark mechanicus.
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