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ZM - 1500 Space Wolves


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Hello All,


Got a ZM tourni coming up, a narrative with the following rules: No named Characters and nothing over the top (so trying to limit spam armies).

The theme is a 1500 pt 'Primary' force (min 1 Hq & 1 troop)  and a further 500pt strike force (min 1 Support Hq & 1 Elite).


So was thinking of going troop heavy with the following

A kitted out Praetor (was aiming for Frost Blade & Paragon Blade, Aether Armour, Iron Halo, Digilasers, Melta Bombs)

2x 15 man Grey Slayer packs (5x Shields, 3x Power fist, 6x Power Weaposn and Huscarl AA, Meltabomb and GFB).

Contemptor-Cortus (Chainfist and Kheres)


And thats where I get stuck. I'm thinking a fast, agressive CC force, but not sure where to go next.


And for the strike force... Terminators and a Forge Lord, potentially using the ZM RoW that lets the Terminators teleport?


So, I think I have some bare bones, but need idea's for what else to bring to a ZM table.


Idea's welcome.

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