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++Blood & Zeal 2018 - DT Strategem++


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gallery_62972_10568_1974.jpg Dedicated Transports Stratagem

Welcome to the Black Templars Dedicated Transports stratagem! You have one week to vow, build, and complete more points than the Blood Angels.

A vow is made by posting in this thread with a starting photo and using the following template:

I [insert name here] rise to the Dedicated Transport challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build [insert units here] for a combined total of [insert PL here] on or before 2259 UTC April 2nd, 2018. Success will bring honour to the [black Templars Faction], whilst failure is not an option...

To complete a vow, state it as being complete and post a photo showing the completed build and undercoat applied.

For the full set of rules, please check your Faction's event thread.

Black Templars - Current points total

  • 0 points

Black Templars - Roll of Honour

The following list details all the participants and the points acquired:

  • TBC
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I Apocalypton rise to the Dedicated Transport challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build a Primaris Repulsor for a combined total of 16 PL on or before 2259 UTC April 2nd, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Black Templars Faction, whilst failure is not an option...


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Finally finished the build. Tried to make it a bit more BT with the extra bits. I like the detail on the etchings although they are sharp and fiddly to use. Hopefully I'll be able to undercoat it tomorrow...


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