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Greater Good Today


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I thought we could need a thread to post some general rambling about T'au without any specific topic in mind like many other subforums have. ;)




So last weekend I had a match against Grey Knights in our makeshift campaign. I had about 850ish points and he had around 900ish due losses earlier. We used some Open War cards the "gamemaster" selected for us. I forgot the names but essentially one player deploys his whole army, then the other and on a 2+ the one who deployed first gets the first turn. Objective was basically killpoints but by counting the power level of the killed units.


It was my first game with the new Codex and I didn't adjust the list apart from selecting Sept and Warlord trait (no relics due campaign rules).

Vanguard Detachment - Sa'cea Sept

1x Coldstar, MP, HO-BC, Shield Gen, ATS, "Through Unity, Devastation", 2x Shield Drone


12x Kroot


3x Stealth Suits, 2xBC, 1xFB, 3xShield Gen, 2x Shield Drone

3x Stealth Suits, 2xBC, 1xFB, 3xShield Gen, 2x Shield Drone

1x Ghostkeel, CIR, 2xBC, Target Lock, ATS, 2x Stealth Drone

1x Marksman


1x8 Pathfinder, 3x Rail Rifle, 2x Shield Drone



The Grey Knight player had something like this (lost one of his Strike Squads in an earlier match in the campaign):

Vanguard Detachment - Grey Knights

1x Grand Master, Hammer, Charge re-roll trait, Gate of Infinity


5x Strike Squad, Falchions


3x Apothecary, Hammer

5x Paladins, Falchions


Short review:

Coldstar advanced to the other side of the board to support Ghostkeel and Stealth Suits for the rest of the game. The Warlord trait was pretty useful with all those Burst cannons, his own HO-BC included, and the MP as always pretty underwhelming. Together they easily wiped out the Strike Squad and the Apothecaries. He was about to get charged by one of the Apothecary at one point but he failed the charge giving me the chance to kill him easily next turn.


Stealth Suit teams did a great job covering the board, soaking up shooting in ruins and denying space for deep striking. They basically gave me the ability to dictate the game since the GK player had to adjust to me and was very limited in what he could actually shoot/smite/charge. They also did a fair deal of damage due the Warlord trait in combination with their Burst cannons and their Fusion Blaster were definitely worth it as well. Funnily enough I never needed to use my Sa'cea re-roll for the Fusion Blasters this game (the 1-2 times I did, they still missed) lol


The Ghostkeel was pretty underwhelming as always, but then again he had to shoot most of the time without Markerlight support due LoS issues and took 5 or so of his own wounds by Overcharging the CIR (I'm pretty good at re-rolling 1s with 1s ... ). He ate all my CP for repairs but lasted till the end of the game (only 4 rounds). He lost his last wound by the last rolled dice in the game. It didn't feel too bad. The new >6" stealth is gold even after the Stealth Drones are gone.


Kroot did a good job zoning out the reserves and even managed to take off the last wound of a Paladin with their Bolter equivalent shooting.


Pathfinder were out of line of sight for the most part but picked off two Paladins with their Rail Rifles after all.


Marksman was sitting together with the Pathfinder so had no LoS for the most part either.



I realise that it was a rather unoptimal matchup for the GK who already struggle with their Codex as is but I definitely made some mistakes as well and it was still a nice first game with our new Codex. The Ghostkeel didn't feel as useless as it used to be with the Index (still pales in comparison with the Coldstar tho) and Stealth Suits in ruins are just disgustingly hard to shift. An objective based mission I would've won even easier.

 I've to say it's kinda hard to keep in mind that the Warlord trait aura is only against one specific target tho. More than once I applied the AP buff on 6s when shooting at a different target with the Ghostkeel ... luckily it never mattered since it was never a close save roll on those wounds.

The Sa'cea specific stuff didn't really come into play as much but the free re-roll was definitely nice to have. I think next I'm going to try my FB Piranha and my HRR Broadside. I'll definitely split the Rail Rifles into three teams so I can benefit more from the Sa'cea Sept Tenet tho. :)




So how's it going for you with the new Codex? Did you already get a game in and tried some of the new stuff? Or are you still busy with re-painting your Sept markings? :P

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Hmm that actually sounds like an interesting means of running a campaign, do you have any of the "rules"? I've been trying to drum up interest at my flgs and this sort of thing sounds great.


I'm actually planning on a 3-4 way/team game this Thursday depending on who shows up this week. I have a lot of tau to finish building but I'm hoping to run it with the open war cards and tactical objectives

Today, okay yesterday, my Sa'cea Piranha missed all his Fusion Blaster and Seeker shots the whole game. Damn him, good thing I had enough redundancy in my army to cover his mistakes. >_>


On the bright side ... hopefully my opponents underestimate him now lol

Thumbs up for Stealth Suits and Ghostkeels. They soaked up like a whole armies shooting and mortal wounds the first turn (2x3 Stealth Suits with Shield Drones got wiped but the Ghostkeel lived with two wounds left and soaked up more the next turn).

I still don't rate the Ghostkeel very high for its damage output but it's such a good distraction Carnifex. I'm thinking about replacing its Target Lock with a Shield Gen since he rarely gets to move around much anyway with how much he gets shot at :D (note, it's the biggest suit in my army. No Riptides or Storm Surges).

Today in my greater good hobby (happy Easter also) I finished painting the heads on my whole pathfinder squad, I hope to have em all finished before I go back to work after the Easter break and post em up.

@ SfPanzer... People... they always like to shoot the biggest thing in your army don't they :-D


Cheers, Mithril

Congrats on getting so much painted! Unfortunately I'm too busy to paint stuff currebtly however at least I can get a game in or two.


Speaking of it, today my 5 FSE Breacher within 5“ took only 1 wound off of a Grandmaster Nemesis Dreadknight, but my 3 Rail Rifles took off 8 wounds of it (1 Mortal wound). I admit I got some extremely lucky rolls there hitting on 4s (re-rolling 1s gave me two additional hits), wounding on 4s, passing the 4++ and then rolling 3, 3 and 1 for the damage.

Still awesome and won me the game.


It was the Open War mission where you have to kill one non-warlord, non-reserve unit your opponent declares during deployment to win the game.

I made a mistake during deployment and my Commander lost all but 1 wound first round from the teleporting GMND and then fizzled all my FB/HO-BC shots or he managed his invul saves but the RR Pathfinder and the CIB Crisis saved the day.

The game ended turn 1 due some super aggressive plays. That being said, Open War cards are fun every once in a while, but far from being balanced. I definitely prefer Matched Play or Narrative Play missions.

I was supposed to get my first T'au game ever in on Saturday but sadly the entire thing came crashing down and I didn't get to go anywhere. I've finished painting my first Devilfish and 10 Fire Warriors (Strike Team) to join my Cadre Fireblade. I'd assembled the next batch of stuff 10 Breachers and 10 Pathfinders as well as a Fusionkeel to join the army to make up 500pts. They've now been sprayed and are awaiting the application of brush to add to my completed pile. 


For some reason I really enjoy just sitting down and painting their basic infantry, something I couldn't find the motivation to do with Pink Horrors. 

Heya Andy Tea,

i'm no Picasso either but... the ETL is a painting competition of sorts but mainly it is a great way to get us motivated to put together and paint our models (to our own level) it puts a deadline on you...But in a good way though. 

it helps to have others from your forum doing the same thing so you can come on each day/week and share what you have done and be motivated by others and yourself to finish your models and also to learn new techniques and get idea's you may never have had about painting techniques ,unit choices, colour schemes etc...


Trust me it's a fun experience... who knows,at the end of it you may have a budding force for the Greater Good :thumbsup: 


Cheers, Mithril 

A Riptide, 2 Broadsides, a Ghostkeel and a Coldstar is plenty. With just the default loadout and no Drones, that's already ~780 points. ^^


I'd love to join ETL with T'au this year, however most of my units are in a WIP stage so no valid entries. I'll go with my Knights of Baal instead. Not as many points to paint there, but I've started that army properly by building&painting one unit after another so I have more complete units to pledge. :P


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