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Viability of (mostly...) Primaris Blood Angels Army


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The most important thing about frag launchers is that I find it deeply entertaining to watch my opponents face when I tell him I'm rolling 5d6 for the number of shots I'm about to throw at him from a tank that's already done a ton of shooting.

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The most important thing about frag launchers is that I find it deeply entertaining to watch my opponents face when I tell him I'm rolling 5d6 for the number of shots I'm about to throw at him from a tank that's already done a ton of shooting.


When I place mine on the table, I tell the other player that this (the Repulsor) is half of the bullets in my shooting phase, then Laugh. They laugh too, cause they think that I'm Joking. 


Then after I shoot the thing, they always go "wow, that is half your shooting."

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Okay, so its slow at work and I'm procrastinating from doing real work. Time to do an in depth- nobody but me likely cares about deep dive into the difference between StormBolters and Frag Launchers. My data all comes from an excel file that I am not sure I can share, don't know if company network will let me.

on Number of shots:

if rapid fire every turn : Storm Bolter Wins 28 shots to an average of 24.5 over 7 turns.

if you miss 1 round of rapid fire: Early game - advantage Frag Launchers : even shots on Turn 4 : Full Game Storm Bolter Wins with 26 shots to the Frag Launchers 24.5 over 7 Turns.

if you miss 2 or more rounds of rapid fire: Frag Launchers get more on average.


Conversely, if you miss one round of Frag Launcher shooting you are likely going to shot the amount of bullets equal to storm bolter missing 3 rounds of rapid fire. 


So, Stormbolters have price and consistenty on their side, ( Which is lets face it, enough to win right there, but I'm full on in the middle of sunk cost Fallacy/ avoiding work so I'm going on).


Frag Launchers have a higher possible top end of shots and oddly less reliance of getting up in your opponents face. (because rolling 6 shots per turn for 7 turns might happen to someone somewhere?) On a related math note, the more Frag Launchers you have, the more likely they will follow the statistical curve of 3.5 shots a turn. so if you go that route, go all or none. 

I almost wonder if they need to be dropped from double the stormbolter price to 1.5 the price of a stormbolter.



TLDR: I have literally nothing better to do at work, and I like the Frag Launchers even though they are more expensive for pretty much the same thing.


You kinda ignore that you still have shots even when you don't rapid fire.

In your scenario you lose shots with the Storm Bolter because it's not in its ideal range but ignore that you just as likely lose 100% of your Frag Launchers shots that turn while the Storm Bolter keeps shooting with half its shots.


Rapid fire 2 at 24" is just better than Assault 1d6 at 18". Especially when the Frag Launcher costs twice as many points and is less reliable. Hell even if you never shoot in Rapid fire range for the whole game and are within 18" the whole game, which is an extremely unlikely scenario, it still wins out at points per hit. 5 turns = 10 shots at >12" = 0.2 points per hit vs 17.5 shots = 0.23 points per hit.

Again, that's extremely unlikely so lets say 3 of those 5 turns you're in Rapid fire range so it goes up to 16 shots = 0.125 points per hit vs 0.23 points per hit.

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I actually did include the non-rapid fire shots.... Also


I got my math copied to GoogleVersion excel, Here is the link to check my work.





For completeness Here is what I put on mine:


1 Heavy Gattling Cannon

1 Gattling Cannon

1 Heavy Stubber

4 Frag Launchers (2 from Auto Launchers which are useless/ 2from Storm Bolters)

1 Icarus Missle Launcher

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My Primaris army survives quite well, but finds consistent damage quite tricky. Thst said, it has no Redemptors or Repulsors, and is only just adding Reivers. I expect a marked uptick in a$$-kicking once they and the Predator replace my Land Raiders!
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I would change 1 of the las talons on one of the repulsors to a Heavy Gatling cannon, depending on Meta. Though I have noticed that the Gatling does surprising damage to harder targets just by weight of dice. And then I would change all the storm bolters on all to Frag Launchers. My math has gotten me to get more dice on average with the frag launchers than not.


otherwise, it looks like its worth trying if you have access to 3 Repulsors. Which I don't, though I might be able to borrow some at some point.

Repulsors should be armed with Twin Las, always. Primaris have plenty of anti infantry firepower but lack anti tank.

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