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Founding of Sub-sect Cilu27


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Greetings lifeforms,


I like so many others have seen the light of the Omnissiah with the release of Forgebane.


So now I am in a bit of a dilemma since I do not like the standardized colour schemes and have therefore decided that a new Sub-sect has to be created.


They are located on one of the jungle world near Fenris.


So right now I try to decide if the base is going to be Caliban Green or Warpstone Glow as seen below:





Do you like them or do you think it should be something else entirely?


I am hoping you guys might have an opinion and if so please feel free to share it since I can't really make my mind up. 

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That warpstone glow looks absolutely amazing. What would the colour of the armour be to go with it? I would love to see it alongside Brass (perhaps skullcrusher?) but this would be a great army wide colour, Very vivid.


Good luck and hopefully we can see some awesome work!

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Oooo... a green Mechanicus colour scheme. I approve wholeheartedly.


I think both greens are strong on their own, but consider them beside the second tan colour as well. In my opinion, the darker Calaban works better with the light tan, where the brighter Warpstone is less successful and would work better with a darker secondary colour. I lean more to the brighter Warpstone Glow, but I'd pair it with something different.

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Being completely objective ( :tongue.: ), I pick Caliban Green. If you want to see what it looks like, I do have a project log in the Mechanicus forum. I won't post examples here since I'd consider that bad form. I'll put the link here since it's not been updated recently. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/329162-project-log-torburnides/


I think if you want to blend into jungle terrain the Caliban Green will look more appropriate. Death World Forest might be another good alternative.


Whichever shade you pick, good luck with your army. :smile.:

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Thank you for comments up until. I started working on both colour schemes so that you guys would have some more picts to work of they are at the bottom.



That warpstone glow looks absolutely amazing. What would the colour of the armour be to go with it? I would love to see it alongside Brass (perhaps skullcrusher?) but this would be a great army wide colour, Very vivid.


Good luck and hopefully we can see some awesome work!


Yeah I was thinking about brass instead of gold or silver for the Warpstone Glow schemes since it would give the best contrast. The metal itself I was thinking about either rusting down with some Agrax or just keep it nice and oily with Nuln Oil.



Oooo... a green Mechanicus colour scheme. I approve wholeheartedly.


I think both greens are strong on their own, but consider them beside the second tan colour as well. In my opinion, the darker Calaban works better with the light tan, where the brighter Warpstone is less successful and would work better with a darker secondary colour. I lean more to the brighter Warpstone Glow, but I'd pair it with something different.


Yeah Discord I've started to think the same, the tan just kinda disappears and doesn't really give a nice contrast. I was thinking to either go with White Scar or some Pallid Wych Flech as the secondary colour or go the complete other direction and maybe Stormwyrmen Fur











Being completely objective ( :tongue.: ), I pick Caliban Green. If you want to see what it looks like, I do have a project log in the Mechanicus forum. I won't post examples here since I'd consider that bad form. I'll put the link here since it's not been updated recently. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/329162-project-log-torburnides/


I think if you want to blend into jungle terrain the Caliban Green will look more appropriate. Death World Forest might be another good alternative.


Whichever shade you pick, good luck with your army. :smile.:


They look really really awesome!


Right now I am actually contemplating another paint job and I think I'll paint that one up as well just so that you guys and gals can see what I am thinking about


I know this might be a boring combination but I kinda like it, but I am still completely undecided!







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I'm not a huge fan of garish/bright schemes (on anything) so I'd go for the dark green, but that's personal taste.  I think they're all serviceable though what you choose for a coat lining colour will have a huge impact on the finish.  That's my general impression for working on Skitarii, anyway.

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After mulling over the paint schemes for pretty much the whole day I concluded that the Warpstone Glow looks really nice on the Skitarii but as soon as I would paint dakka bots or Dunecrawlers the colour scheme would look less then good.


So I have come up with 3 final paint schemes and they look like this:




The Eshin Grey/Khorne Red one is to be honest one of my favorites though I do love the other 2 as well.


I think I am going to use the Thousand Sons/Pallid Wych Flesh combo for my Knight House - got the two baby knights and I think those colours would look pretty good on them.


What do you guys think? Still favoring the green?


Thnaks already for all your input!


Edit: Feel free to request pics if you need some more views!

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I like the middle option most. That red trim looks really good and the grey prevents it from looking too bright. That would probably mean your vehicles would be grey hulls with red details which I think would look good.

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Yeah I'm leaning heavily towards the Grey/Red as well. In regards to vehicles and so on it would look good as well I think a matt bronze would further enhance that look as well and everything with power would suddenly pop a whole lot more.


The industrial look with the grey fits quit well with the AdMech theme.

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For what it's worth, it's lore-wise a bit nonsensical to have the Kastelan Robots in the same colour scheme as the Skitarii.


Legio Cybernetica and Skitarii Legions are separate entities under the Adeptus Mechanicus, so their makeup and colours would be hugely divergent.


Moreover, it's a great excuse to go for really wild/funky/adventurous colour schemes on the robots.


To that end, I still think that lovely warp stone green is to die for. Do it!

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Update time!


After (with your help!) having decided on the paint job here is a an update the all the details painted and a bit of shading done and so on. So what do you guys think?


Got some more Ideas? Ideas and comments more then welcome!











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For what it's worth, it's lore-wise a bit nonsensical to have the Kastelan Robots in the same colour scheme as the Skitarii.


Legio Cybernetica and Skitarii Legions are separate entities under the Adeptus Mechanicus, so their makeup and colours would be hugely divergent.


Moreover, it's a great excuse to go for really wild/funky/adventurous colour schemes on the robots.


To that end, I still think that lovely warp stone green is to die for. Do it!


I actually have an idea for the bots and the Legio Cybernetica so when I get the bots you'll see that the Warpstone isn't completely out of the picture just yet! :D

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I was very intrigued by your attempts at a Forge whose colors were green, but that grey scheme is excellent.


When I think of Catachan and jungle-worlds, I think of camoflage - for a Forge, when one considers camo, the Stygies rules come to mind, and I believe your grey is a strong nod in that direction.


Great painting, I look forward to seeing more!

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Small update on the Skitarii front.


I have now painted 4 of them after having been on a course for the last week where I couldn't paint. I have for now finished the bases for all 10 of them, though I am waiting for pigment to arrive before I can finish them properly and seal them.


My goal is to paint 5 Skitarii before I am allowing myself to start on the Techpriest Dominus. For one it is to get a steady progress and the second reason is so that I get a solid feel for the paint scheme and all the details that are involved in painting AdMech.


My Alpha can be a Ranger or Vanguard. All arms and all 3 heads are magnetized. I have planed on doing the same with the soldier carrying the Omnispec or what it is called =)




The white hot power sword that was supposed to be a red power sword. Did not quit go as planned but I do like the result of it.




Edit: More information added,

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