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Question about Veterans


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Are Company Command Squads made up of Veterans that are also part of the 1st Company, or are they completely separate and only part of the company they are attached to?  Do they move back and forth, or can they be promoted either way?  Like if a Vanguard Veteran Sergeant is promoted to Captain of a company, would he potentially take his squad from the 1st to his new role to be the Company Command?  Or if a Company Veteran crushes it in battle, could he become a Terminator Sergeant?


I'm about to paint up some Company Veterans, and I'm wondering if they should be painted differently than Vanguard/Sternguard Veterans.  I do white helmets for veterans, but I'm thinking that they should have their shoulder trim in the company's color rather than the white of the 1st.  Is that correct?


Here's how I assume it breaks down:

  1. Chapter Command (Ancient, Champion, Honor Guard) - veterans part of the chapter command, separate from ANY company.  Use the Chapter Master's heraldry/colors?  (would the shoulder trim be painted blue in the example of Ultramarines?  Something else?)
  2. 1st Company (VV, SV, Terminators, some Dreads) - veterans with 1st company colors (white)
  3. Company Command (Ancient, Apoth, Champion, Vets) - veterans with their company colors. (e.g. yellow for 2nd company) Can there be like a lot of these?  Could a specific Company maybe have 20 Company Veterans?
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Typically a Company's Command Squad is still made up of veterans of that company. one or two members may be made up from the first (usually because the battle company has no veterans suitable for a command squad, such as if the company suffered significant losses) 

from a painting perspective, You would usually paint the shoulder pad trim to match the company, but why not add one or two white trims as you feel like it?

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Hi brother!

In the codex Space Marines (8th) with the new codex astartes' company organization you have a fantastic example in the pag26. about the Ultramarines' Second Company while Cato Sicarius is declared lost, I suppose it is during the Plague Wars, so the company has normarines and primarines:


"Captain Acheran assumed command of 2nd Company, and is accompanied by the Company Veterans known as the Lions of Macragge. Additional leadership elements include two Lieutenants (one a newly joined Primaris Marine) and a Chaplain. An Apothecary and Company Ancient were also attached to the 2nd Company’s command."
So after reading that text I think the Company Veterans are brothers from the second company, or assigned to the 2nd in that stage of the campaing, the Primaris Lieutenant was assigned to the 2nd company (not assigned to it when promoted from scout company)
About painting... well in that example all the command squad is wearing gold trim, according with the company colour.
In the pag14, you can see the colours of veterans: white helmet, nut in the pag24 the "normal" veterans didn't wear the white helmet... 
So, I think you should paint the veterans with the colour of the company, but keeping in mind they are hard boys, so you could add any details or variations as you wish...
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