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AdMech Noob - List feasibility

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Hello there!

I have a couple of games set for this weekend, and I've been thinking about giving AdMech a go for the first time. I've always loved the AdMech concept, and my friends don't mind me proxying other models or even bits of cardboard, so I can go all out for a quick trial run. If I like how they handle on the tabletop, I may even be looking at starting some models for them :)


Let me preface this by saying: I'm in the game to have fun, not to wreck face. Over my hobbying years, I've probably been tabled more often then I have won, so I'm getting used to losing - however, I'd still rather lose in a nail-biter game then be wiped off the board turn 3, so here I come looking for assistance.


I'm going to be playing against a new Salamanders player (who usually plays tyranids), and our first match will be at 1000 points, and here's what I was thinking of taking:


Patrol Detachment

Forge world: Lucius

HQ - Techpriest Enginseer

Tr - 3 Kataphron Breachers (2 torsion cannon and 1 heavy arc rifle)

Tr - 10 Skitarii Vanguard (Omnispex, Phosphor blast pistol, Taser goad; Arc Rifle; Transuranic Arquebus)

El - 10 Fulgurite Electropriests

FA - Sydonian Dragoon (Taser lance, Phosphor Serpenta)

FA - Sydonian Dragoon (Taser lance, Phosphor Serpenta)

HS - 2 Kastelan Robots (Heavy phosphor blaster hands and Incendine Combustor each)

HS - Onager Dunecrawler (Neutron laser and 2 Cognis heavy stubbers)


As said, I'm not looking at stomping my friend*, I just don't want to get stomped in return


*Stomping may apply later in the weekend as he's agreed to let me try out a Knight for the first time ;)

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Yep, splitting the Van into 5 rang w/TUA, 5 van w/arc gives a little better synergy for actually playing with them. 60" heavy 1 paired with 18" assault 3 may be... frustrating.


Should be a fun wee list.


Decent heavies & fast attack give you options to scatter about the table. I find fistbustor Kastellans more appealing, as they let you and your opponent do a bit more in the way of cat-and-mouse assaulting/movement.


But it should work. And the electropriests are tremendous fun, as well as tremendously effective. I just think the models look a bit daft! :D

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