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Hello everyone,


I’m getting back into the hobby after a 10 year leave :)


I started in 3rd edition with Tyranids, when it was possible to create your own hive’s genetic strain. Now, i’ve decided to go with the Dark Angels simply because they have awesome models, great fluff, and really nice color schemes. I only realized later that playing Dark Angels also meant that people think it’s hilarious to insinuate that we are traitors. This literally happened each time I went to a game shop!


That didn’t discourage me and i’m really eager to play a few games. At the moment i have two tact squads, a devastator squad and I managed to buy 8 old dark angels models from the internet :)


I am going to post an army list later today in the appropriate section for a small tournament mid April.


May the emperor bless you all!




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