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New Player Concerns (Primaris)


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I've had the 7th edition starter for a long time with the intention of putting together some marines.


I haven't played any 8th edition, in fact, I haven't played any 40k since 2nd edition - though I have been following along with the fluff and have constantly been "meaning" to build and paint some miniatures at some point.


Once again I'm getting the urge to crack open my 7th edition starter set.


The only thing bothering me is the new Primaris range, they seem like straight upgrades across the board which makes me question the point of putting together my standard marines.


This is only a concern that stems from a quick flick through of the new DA codex with no actual knowledge of 8th edition. Even in the example armies that they showcase in the codex - they don't use a single tactical marine. Do you think that eventually standard marines will be obsolete and only Primaris will be available? It is actually really off-putting, enough that I am considering selling the starter set. I mean, what is up with these Hellblasters? Bigger, better marines with bigger and better plasma guns? Are you kidding me?


As I haven't even popped a single bit of plastic off the sprue yet, is it worth just starting with Primaris?


Just trying to get a feel for what is happening in the hobby and with SM / DA / Primaris in general.


Thanks for any advice.

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What GW has planned for Space Marines, we do not know. However at the moment both old and new marines have their place in the fluff as well as on the table top. Yes Intercessors are tougher and have better bolters than regular marines. However they also are more expensive (pointswise) and cannot take any special/heavy weapons, which do the most damage. They also cannot ride in Rhinos, Razorbacks or stormravens. Inceptors fill a role that SMs previously were lacking: Highly mobile shooty infantry. Hellblasters kind of step on the toes of Company Veterans and devastators, but they lack the versatility of the latter, especially since a varied load out no longer is a bad option as everybody getss "split fire" now (i.e. one unit can shoot at multiple units)

I started at the end of second edition myself and haven’t played a game since beginning of 5rh. After arguing with myself half of last year I let the pretty pretty Primaris models drag me back into the game. :)


After TONS of research, it’s my best guess even if a coup de ta ta is the long term plan for the Primaris models is in place. It won’t happen for another ten years ... about 11th edition ;) I’d say choose what you love about the game and you’re probably good to go.

I'm not going to tell you what *you* should do.


But if I was just getting into 40k (or, conversely, if I decide on a new Space Marine army/chapter), it will have no original scale Marines in it. I would only get Primaris stuff (with the exception of possibly vehicles)

I'm not going to tell you what *you* should do.


But if I was just getting into 40k (or, conversely, if I decide on a new Space Marine army/chapter), it will have no original scale Marines in it. I would only get Primaris stuff (with the exception of possibly vehicles)


I honestly think this is the most sensible option long term for any new players. You will likely just have an easier time of it ith an all Primaris force from the getgo.

I've come back in for the first time since 3rd edition, and my infantry are exclusively Primaris - although some are conversions into "counts-as" legacy models who are the right height.


I'm using other vehicles though, since if you've ever stood next to a modern AFV, you'll realise they're generally supposed to be cramped and uncomfortable! Plus, most of them are - according to older fluff at least - crewed by chapter serfs and servitors. Why waste a marine in a metal box when he already walks around in one!?


Get the models you like. Classic Marines aren't going away for a while and you can still get a few years out of them worse case scenario.

As an aspiring Black Templars player, I'm going to be relying on this.



I ran Black Tempars in 3rd, and am now planning a true-scale army converted from Primaris marines. But eBay prices - even for monopose starter models - have gone crazy recently!

I know plenty of people who still use old models like the tiny metal dreads and terminators. Unless GW decides to remove said units from the game entirely, it's safe to say you'll still get use out of regular plastic SM in game even *IF* Primaris replace SM completely in the rules.

I'm solving this "problem" by truscaling my non primaris marines. They end up very close in scale/size.


The method I intend to use I can dig up for you...



There is a size comparison of his upscale marines next to a primaris and to me they are spot on.


To me primaris units will simply represent special veterans with 2 wounds and attacks who are a step between 1 wound veterans and multi wound officers.

Unless GW decides to completely invalidate their single most numerous model ever made, I imagine you'll be fine. Honestly though, after such a long break, I recommend going with whatever you like the idea/look of most unless you're looking to break into the tournament scene in a big way. The Primaris are gorgeous, yet I've never plunked one down on a table yet, and are a joy to paint. I'm also still working on far far too many classic Marines. It's a hobby. Have fun with it!

I think it is likely... just that it will take a decade or more to happen. So kinda like how they slowly phased out almost all pewter everything...


I wanted to truescale anyways tho. So for me it's about my own as the tic preference and also future proofing... even tho I'm really just assuming I'm right. No way to be sure.

I'm solving this "problem" by truscaling my non primaris marines. They end up very close in scale/size.


The method I intend to use I can dig up for you...



There is a size comparison of his upscale marines next to a primaris and to me they are spot on.


To me primaris units will simply represent special veterans with 2 wounds and attacks who are a step between 1 wound veterans and multi wound officers.

Hey, that's me, lol



I'm solving this "problem" by truscaling my non primaris marines. They end up very close in scale/size.


The method I intend to use I can dig up for you...



There is a size comparison of his upscale marines next to a primaris and to me they are spot on.


To me primaris units will simply represent special veterans with 2 wounds and attacks who are a step between 1 wound veterans and multi wound officers.

Hey, that's me, lol.

And you are my hero. Before seeing your relatively simple tutorial I was seriously considering shelving the whole hobby in frustration.


I've done nothing about it yet because life is a mess, but knowing I have a plan is all I need to stick it out. Thanks.

Personally I'd open it up on work on the minis. You already own them, and I doubt that starter has a ton of resale value (dark vengeance right?). So make the models, practice painting/try out the game then you can make a decision based on that. Even if you decide on a different direction building the models and painting them is great practice.


Good luck 

They don't show a single Tac Marine in that example is they are trying to sell you Primaris also. but they seem to forget their new Derps lack a lot of options . I use both  just have fun . The new squat Marines(pimaris) are fun to paint as are the classic ones.

Whilst it’s possible down the line the current regular marine kits could be discontinued, it’s worth remembering that miniatures produced when I was playing as a kid in the mid-nineties are still valid on the tabletop today.


You can also do a quick upscale on multi-part marines by putting a ball of green stuff in the join between the legs-torso and torso-head. It won’t get you to Primariss height but it’s very easy and to my eye makes an anatomically improved miniature. I did a quick guide in my PLog, I’ll link it if you want to see it.

I wouldn't worry about it too much, I don't think regular Marines are going away any time soon. They are still present and being made in the fluff at the current point in the setting. Primaris are more of an addition to the space marine range, a sub type of Marines, not replacements.

I'd be interested in that tutorial. Thanks for sharing.


It's in the spoiler dropdown at the bottom of post #61 in my WiP, including a height comparison against a Marine from the DV box. The DV Marines are I think a little shorter than the Tactical Marines box set, but you get an idea.

Get the models you like. Classic Marines aren't going away for a while and you can still get a few years out of them worse case scenario.

*Looks at eldar falcon sprue still in use since 1995*


Nope. The current sprues will be sold for a long time.


The current predator/rhino sprues are close to 20 years old now, and I'd wager they might get a slight scale increase when they're redesigned, just like the last time.


Worst case, they homogenise the stat lines so all marines have the primaris statline.


The change in scale hasn't stopped me using my second ed plastics.

Worst case, they homogenise the stat lines so all marines have the primaris statline.

How is that the worst case? I would love to have Devastators, Assault Marines and Tacticals with the primaris staline. I wonder what happens when primaris become veterans... Primaris SG, VAS and DC :woot:


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