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New Player Concerns (Primaris)


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The only reason I'm selling my (very fledgling and very unpainted, so hardly attached to them) Marines to fund replace them with Primaris is for the models. They just look the right size on the table top towering over my Guard. I'm sure going forward there will be more Primaris release than regular Marine releases but that's just common sense. There's nothing really to add to regular Marines any more.


I will say that if a new Guard range comes out to start replacing the current line I wouldn't be replacing my much loved Guard with anything. I've grown very attached to them!


As above just get what you like best and ignore the rules. Everything has it's time in the sun. Really as long as you don't collect Eldar you'll be fine ;)

For those that think GW wouldn't replace Space Marines with new ones. The beakies would like a word with you. Remember tiny rhinos and predators? Or old mk1 & mk2 speeders? How about the OG land raiders? Primaris is the future. Embrace it... Or not it's up to you. Hell my Sammuel in Sable Claw is an old converted MK2 speeder that I've had since 94 I think and I still use him.

Beakies are still available in current marine kits though (and a forgeworld kit).


Rhinos, Predators, Land Raiders and Land Speeders also never went away, the originals were just replaced with new kits when technology moved on and they decided to make new versions.

Yeah the Primaris case is quite a bit different. That being said I do expect them to replace the old Marine units eventually. It'll just take a while since GW learned a few things from the time they released AoS and basically dropped some of the armies (the support for those is really the absolute minimum and barely worth mentioning).
  On 4/10/2018 at 6:37 AM, Robbienw said:

Beakies are still available in current marine kits though (and a forgeworld kit).

Rhinos, Predators, Land Raiders and Land Speeders also never went away, the originals were just replaced with new kits when technology moved on and they decided to make new versions.

Not the original beakies. FW makes an up-scaled version. Similar but not the same thing and the rhino/press/land raiders where redesigned and scaled up. Kinda like the Primaris Marines are redesigned and scaled up Marines. as for the rules, they will change as new kits are released and new editions come out.

They are the same thing though, its just an updated version of the beakies, rhinos, land raider, etc.


Technology moved on and they could make a nicer version so they did.


Primaris are not the same, they are a new variation of marine with different proportions and bigger size (not bigger scale; they are mean to be bigger than classic marines) but that is it.  They are not a result of new technology producing an improved model, they are no more sharply detailed than any kit released in the last 8 to 10 years or so, and they are done with the same CAD and laser cut mold technology as kits from the last 8 to 10 years or so.


They also haven't directly replaced any current space marine units, not in fluff, not in rules and not in kit form.  They are new unit types.  They are no more a replacement for classic marines than the mk3 iron armour kit was for the current tactical squad for example.

To expand on Robienw's post. Beakies were beakies in the fluff then and are beakies in the fluff now, as are the different marks of land raiders and rhinos. Primaris along with Centurions, and IIRC Sotrmravens are new inventions in the fluff as well as in plastic.

  On 4/10/2018 at 2:36 PM, DBadger said:

I have a strong feeling they will just phase out old marines while letting you use the same models as Primaris.

Five two wound guys with four heavy flamers and the red thirst? Sounds good, but I doubt it will go that way. Primaris exist in the fluff and have different weapon options and rules. I doubt that they will remove primaris fluffwise either, to make everyone "regular" marines.


For the Dark Angels it is even more complicated. How will they fill all the 1st Company, when they do not make regular marines anymore? The 1st Co supposedly only wears TDA but Primaris won't fit.

If you think that the future belongs to any marine that isn't Primaris, you're engaging in wishful thinking, imho.


Look at the codex.

On the cover: Primaris.

Most of the art (and all of the new art): Primaris.

Every line drawing (for showing off color schemes): Primaris.

Every side bar and quote: characters and Primaris marines.


You aren't gonna wake up tomorrow with a pile of useless old marines. The space marine line is large and represents most of GW's business. This is going to be a process that may take two more editions.

But let's be real: the amount of out-of-game support, paired with the in universe statements, *strongly* suggests that GW is going to phasing out the old line.

That is just GW highlighting the new thing they want you to buy, not a surprise really.


The other Marines codex covers still have normal guys on the front.


Apart from the opinion of a single marine in one book, in universe statements suggest that normal Marines aren't going anywhere and are still being made.


The statement from GW in their Primaris FAQ last year that Primaris are reinforcements to Space Marines and not replacements also suggests the same...

They won't phase out. But I doubt they get more releases.

Unless MK9 is a type of armour for normal marines (in order to scale them a bit better)

But we must also consider that we have Custodes in the fluff going around saying if you don't accept Primaris, it's treason... Dunno man...

  • 1 month later...
  On 3/30/2018 at 2:56 PM, Captain Idaho said:

Get the models you like. Classic Marines aren't going away for a while and you can still get a few years out of them worse case scenario.


I think in 9th edition you'll have Primaris devastator, verteran, Termies etc... and you wont see much normal SM. I still like to have them as a collector though :smile.:


Lore wise it makes sense: it's better for the imperium to focus on crafting primaris geneseed than normal ones. The pool of normal SM geneseeds will automatically reduce over the decades (every time you cant collect them back after a defeat e.g.) while production exclusively focus on Primaris.

In the chapters, Primaris get access to heavy weapons, jump packs etc...


The only tricky thing is the Indomitus TDA, but I'm sure Cawl is working on it and in a couple of centuries (i.e. 9th Edition) they will the way to make them bigger.


For Dark Angels, there is no reason not to see Primaris being included in the first company as well. Over centuries of fight alongside, they'll all become battle brothers and some Primaris will prove their value and stand out.

Guest MistaGav

Surely having Primaris Tactical, Assault, Dev, Veteran, Term just emphasis's the idea that GW would discontinue the older marines and replace everything with Primaris. At least, at the moment anyway, Intercessors, Inceptors, Hellblasters and all that fulfill a similar role to their bretheren but just in a different way. As the fluff states, I see them simply as adding more reinforcements and tools into an already big source of toys for space marine players.

I can't see GW getting entirely rid of the classic space marines as they are just too big a money maker and a big staple of the 40k universe. The classic space marine range is more or less done anyway so GW will shoft focus on making Primaris the new poster boys and expand on them instead.

We don't need those units.


Primaris units are more focused to their designated tasks.


There's gaps in the army but not ones to be filled by the old unit archetype.


The army is missing 3 things:

1: Dedicated Anti Tank unit, something like a Predator

2: A biker style unit, jetbikes most likely

3: Dedicated close combat units, something with high volumes of attacks at decent strength and an ap modifier

I’m in agreement with Ishagu. At least my hopes are :)


1. Heavy Plasma fills similiar (if not as well) enough role I’m afraid that might be on hold for a while.

2. I wonder if we will see a jet bike aka Custodes and apparently SoS. I hope at least for a grav-bike or anything borrowing aesthetics from the HH bikes would rock


3. Easiest in my opinion. Indomitus Veterans + 1 Attack with Cawl Combat Blade -1AP = 4 attacks -1 AP. Wishlisting.

I honestly think the best bet for anyone getting into marines now is Primaris. I don't think regular marines will be a thing once Primaris are established.


I think the plan is long term that new players will only know of regular marines through older players eventually. I personally think over the next three years and Astartes will be renamed Primaris rather than Space Marines at some point because it's easier to copyright.

I'll never be on board with Primaris. The models are too big. Not the vehicles but the infantry.


I'll stop collecting Space Marines if GW does faze classic Marines out.


Nothing negative or deep. I just bought into the aesthetic of classic Marines and don't want something else.

  On 5/29/2018 at 6:19 PM, Captain Idaho said:

I'll never be on board with Primaris. The models are too big. Not the vehicles but the infantry.


I'll stop collecting Space Marines if GW does faze classic Marines out.


Nothing negative or deep. I just bought into the aesthetic of classic Marines and don't want something else.

Their is only half a head between primaris marines and newish normal marines .


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