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Forgeworld Valkyrie Assembly


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I picked up an Valkyrie model that the guy stated on eBay was an old FW model from "years ago". I got it in the mail and I realized I don't know ow how to assemble it and FW said they don't have a FW Valkyrie. So is this just a recast? If it is a recast then how could I tell and if it is true, how do I assemble this model?
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Forgeworld made a resin Valkyrie until the plastic kit came out about 9 years ago. There are some minor differences between it and the plastic kit (In terms of detail, not assembly). Forgeworld don't provide instructions without proof of purchase from them though.


If you are concerned it's a recast try contacting atinfringements@gwplc.com, they may be able to help you get your money back.


As for instructions the best I could find is this old pic

No, the Valkyrie was originally a FW kit before GW made it in plastic; but it went OOP when the plastic one came out (for obvious reasons).


You can see a parts breakdown here. Most of it looks pretty intuitive to me to assemble though - is there any part specifically that you're not sure of?





Edit: ninja'd, and even with the same link!:sweat:


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