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Basing tips/suggestions


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Now that I have a good chunk of my army actually painted, I figure it's time to start basing them. Does anyone have any good suggestions for good bases for Blood Angels? What looks good and what doesn't.

Also, I have no idea how to actually do basing, so any suggestions for that or resources to learn would be greatly appreciated.

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GW has some instructions for their texture paints. I think Agrellan Earth/Badlands or Astrogranite (Debris) would look good with Red Marines. For DC I think Astrogranite would lack contrast. Add some static grass with PVA glue, If you think the crackled texture alone is too boring.


You could also find lots of helpful tutorials right here at the B&C.

If you have a certain table you most often play on, you might consider matching the bases to it.

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For my blood angels I will do sand bases, there is a guide by Duncan on youtube. I figure, Baal is a Desert world, so its thematic, plus red (and black) looks good on a yellow backround. Not sure about the Sanguinary guards tho.

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Contrast your mini. That's the most important thing really. If you have a dark mini and a dark base then the overall affect is very muddled. Same with a bright mini and a bright base.


I've painted my miniatures a darker red, and of course have death company. I chose a light sandy color to represent the base. I've also tried to darken down the shading of my SG so it's not too "bright" of a color. The only thing I've painted in similar colors are my scouts, but I try to add some contrast by painting their shoulder pads red and picking out details on their belts/grenades, etc.

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Agreed on contrasting colors.  I'm using cork from wine bottles that I cut up and break up with a pointy tool, fine talus from the train shop, and drywall mud for texture on the base.  Then painted up with the cheapo acrylics from the art store.  


These are for my captain and company champion.  Before painting...

Hero Bases WIP 1

Base coated and washed, but still need to drybrush.

Hero Bases WIP 2



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I do Armeggedon Dust (texture paint), Agrax Earthshade wash, Tyrant Skull (or Ushbanti Bone) drybrush. Rhinox Hide on the ring around. I'll eventually add tufts to add some more to it, but for now, the brown bases looks good with red armor, and is easy.


My bases

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I do green grasslands with small light tan rocks.  Colors that Base well on Red/black and gold figures are 


Green (Plants) / Brown (Desert) / Tan (Desert) / Grey (City) / Grey Metal (City) / Snowy would probably do okay too


I have seen people do red tinted deserts, but I don't care for it because from a distance it looks like the figure is just not fully been painted yet. 


I like contrast between figure and base

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Snow bases look good with every strong main colour on your paint scheme. I'm going to give my Emperor's Children snowbases as well (also because we have a Space Wolve player in our group with snowbases and a winter themed board :P ).

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I do green, grassed bases as it contrasts well with the red armour and is a passable match for the tabletops I usually play on.. The base is painted Warboss green (closest match to the old "Goblin Green"). Once dry, I paint the top with watered PVA and dip is scenic scatter. Quick and simple but reasonably effective.


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