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Razorback (dedicated transport) loadout


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I want to build a razorback to act as a dedicated transport for a footsloging assault sqaud. The squad runs with 2 plasma guns, 2 guys with chainswords and bolt pistols and a sergeant with plasma pistol and power sword. My first idea was to get a forgeworld turret with twin linked plasma guns and a las cannon to be thematic with the squad, but I was talked out of it since a failed plasma overload means a dead razorback. Now I'd assume that the heavy bolter compliments the assault squad more than the las cannons, but I'd rather have some more opinions before I get it.



Edit: The sergeant had a chainsword for some reason, but since this squad is gonna target MEQ's, I just switched it for a power sword. Luckily the models were still unpainted.

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It really depends on what else you have in your army/what you want the razorback to do. Do you want it to support the assault squad in mulching infantry, or do you want it to take out tanks/monsters while delivering the squad to their target.


Also magnets and 3rd party manufacturers are some things to look into.


On a side note, think about changing the assault squads to company veterans (+character). Better weapon options for a few extra points

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Well my army is more thematic than it is cometitive. That company already has its company vets, and they have jump packs.


About magnets, I'm not really into them, but I could see building different turrents and changing them eventually. 

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Well my army is more thematic than it is cometitive. That company already has its company vets, and they have jump packs.

Well what is the theme you want with the army? So plasma on the squad probably means their prime target is heavy infantry or light vehicles. So I would recommend Assault Cannons. The HB is better against light infantry, but at least it is cheap.


About magnets, I'm not really into them, but I could see building different turrents and changing them eventually.

Sure multiple turrets is an option for razorback as well. I just suggested magnets because it usually is the cheaper option.
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Well my army is more thematic than it is cometitive. That company already has its company vets, and they have jump packs.

Well what is the theme you want with the army? So plasma on the squad probably means their prime target is heavy infantry or light vehicles. So I would recommend Assault Cannons. The HB is better against light infantry, but at least it is cheap.



What I meant with thematic is more in the direction of the company only has 1 company veterans squad than what the army is supposed to do :D. But yes, I suppose that squad would target MEQ and not hordes. I thought that the assault cannon came with the razorback, but I just noticed its a heavy bolter. I'd have to get the ssault cannon from somewhere else. (Unless I could use the remains of my baal predator maybe?)

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Weird, I could have sworn that the AC si in the kit, but GW says otherwise. Do you by chance have an LRC? maybe its turret fits. If so you could buy the LRC upgrade sprue.


But seriously there are some very good looking razorback turrets from other manufacturers:




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Well my army is more thematic than it is cometitive. That company already has its company vets, and they have jump packs.

Well what is the theme you want with the army? So plasma on the squad probably means their prime target is heavy infantry or light vehicles. So I would recommend Assault Cannons. The HB is better against light infantry, but at least it is cheap.



What I meant with thematic is more in the direction of the company only has 1 company veterans squad than what the army is supposed to do :biggrin.:. But yes, I suppose that squad would target MEQ and not hordes. I thought that the assault cannon came with the razorback, but I just noticed its a heavy bolter. I'd have to get the ssault cannon from somewhere else. (Unless I could use the remains of my baal predator maybe?)


Theme wise, the Assault cannons are probably the way to go over heavy bolters. I do envisage more of a minigun / gatling gun vibe to the BA when they charge into the fray, especially given that the Baal Pred comes with them standard. Think of them less as Razorbacks, more like Stripped down Baal predators using the Standard Design Template that the BA acquired and did not give back to the Adeptus Mechanicus.  

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I have this bit of sprue from my Baal predator.




What if I cut the barrels from the heavy boltguns and glue these on? Has anyone done that? I think it could work.


The LRC turret fits, but it would more than double the price of the endeavor. No shop sells this sprue in Greece, I'd have to buy it from the GW website, and at that point it would have to be an order bigger than 50 euros, or I'll have to pay 10 euros for shipping :tongue.: Its a tough life, 40k isnt as popular in my country. Also there are no assault cannons ornebay, or they sell for more than 20 euros.

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 Pretty much exatly what i've done, bought cheap Assault cannons from ebay, from land speeders I think. But of barrels from the heavy bolters to get my twin AC. Although now I sort of regret with the point cost in chapter approved. Sometimes you want to heavy bolter.

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Magnets. But lascannon is a great choice. Complimenting firepower means very little. Bringing the right amount of anti multi wound model firepower for your meta is key. So what are you missing? The razor is a tough chassy. The gun should fill a role gap in your force.
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Magnets. But lascannon is a great choice. Complimenting firepower means very little. Bringing the right amount of anti multi wound model firepower for your meta is key. So what are you missing? The razor is a tough chassy. The gun should fill a role gap in your force.

I agree with this in theory, but that theory is considering the meta, not the fluff. Dread mentioned he wanted to be fluff friendly, which skews the thought from pure math-hammer decisions to thematic decisions.

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It's not so much a matter of fluff as it is a matter of synergy (call it OCD if you want). A MEQ/TEQ hunting party should be in a MEQ/TEQ tranport.  The fluff part comes when its about company vets, I know company vets outshine assault marines, but a fluffy army cant go with 5 squads of company vets running around. Company vets are bodyguards and advisors to captains, not your average joes.

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It's not so much a matter of fluff as it is a matter of synergy (call it OCD if you want). A MEQ/TEQ hunting party should be in a MEQ/TEQ tranport.  The fluff part comes when its about company vets, I know company vets outshine assault marines, but a fluffy army cant go with 5 squads of company vets running around. Company vets are bodyguards and advisors to captains, not your average joes.

So why stress about fluff to start with?

Just go with what works against your expected opponent.

Need lascannons, use them, need troop killing, use Assault cannons.


Don't saddle some choices with fluff in order to make your other choices seem "thematic" BA index says their are only 25 Sanguinary guard, but if your plan calls for 30, take the 30.

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Where did you see me stress about fluff? :) It was just a response concerning the company veterans, when Quixus said:




 On a side note, think about changing the assault squads to company veterans (+character). Better weapon options for a few extra points


I think I will go for assault cannons on this one, now the question is where to get them. I'm not too confident with converting stuff. I might grab a land raider upgrade sprue after all.

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Getting GW vehicle parts can be difficult as very few bits sellers actually sell them. If you are not comfortable with using the baal barrels on the razorback HB turret, I listed a few third party options in an earlier post. The Blood Angels third party bits database also listed turres from puppetswar.


The conversion should be quite easy though. Assemble the barrels and the heavy bolter, cut off the muzzels of the bolter and the nub at the back of the AC barrels, fiel both sides smooth and glue them together.

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About the conversion. One of the baal cannons has a knob while the other has a slot for it to enter. Long story short, one cannon fits into the other and Im not sure if the size is proper for all of it to match the size of the heavy bolter turret. I dont know if I managed to explain :P. I will give it a try for sure, worst case scenario I'll end up with a Rhino :|

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Heya, I converted my razor to have the PG/LC and asscan turret. I cut off one lascannon barrel and replaced with with 2 plasma guns from the ravenwing knight sprue, with some added gubbins from an assault cannon. To convert the assault cannon (no pics yet) I just cut the barrels off the heavy bolter and glued on the assault cannon barrels!

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