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What is your go-to Havoc loadout?

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Hey all,


Have done a fair bit of searching online - and getting myself really confused! (Doesn't help alot of articles are at the tail end of 7th).


What is your preferred loadout for Havocs in a 2k pts range army? I have 4 lascannons available but are there any other recommended configurations?



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I like to Bring 2-3 Havoc squads.


6 Men each.


1x 4 Heavy bolters + Champ w. Combi bolter + bolter dude (Sometimes without the additional guy so they can ride a rino with some other guys)

1x 4 Lascannons + Champ + Bolter dude


sometimes i also bring:

1x 4 Rocket Launcher guys + Champ + bolter dude


Rocket launchers are not as point efficient as the other two options. But maybe they could be a lifesaver in tournaments, when you have opponents with thanks, and also opponents with hordes, as they are very versatile.


THe addiditonal dude is a bullet sponge and serves some fluff in my lists, because its the number of 6 as all of my units are slaanesh worshippers, as they also like to fire twice per turn. ;D

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Autocannons used to be the go-to loadout, however they're a bit lacking with only D1 imo. In 8th I'd go either with Heavy Bolter or Lascannons. If you go with Lascannons just make sure you have redundancy so your opponent can't take out your whole anti-tank in one go with barely any efford. They aren't exactly durable after all.

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I run mine similar to Maschinenpriester, either a 5 man squad with combi-bolter and 4 heavy bolters or a 10 man squad with combi-bolter and 4 lascannons.


I feel that the cost of 4 lascannons requires a few extra bodies to protect them but if I need to squeeze points I'll drop a meat shield or 2.


Heavy bolters are cheap enough that meat shields seem a bit of a waste, I'd rather just take 2 squads for 8 heavy bolters.


My experiences with autocannons have been... underwhelming to put it politely. Missiles usually fail to shine for me, regardless of what they are shooting at they seem to under perform but I agree that in a tourney their flexibility could come in really handy.

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Auto cannons are damage 2 aren't they???

I go with what I have lascannons launchers and autocannon

Ups you're right. They still don't feel quite right for some reason. But at least now I know why the T'au Missile Pod feels even worse at +9p and D1d3 lol

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Or +1S to be able to wound T4 on 2+ and T7 on 3+. That would go a long way already. S7 is just in an odd place in 8th. In 7th it was the golden number for strength since S7 was both spammable and effective, but in 8th it just isn't that great anymore.

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Almost every chaos list of mine features a squad of slaanesh havocs with 4 lascannons.  It's either an 8 man or a 10 man, no other upgrades, depending on points.  The opponent usually spends a couple turns shooting them before I start losing the weaps (I park them in backfield terrain), or they ignore them to their peril.  They have yet to disappoint me :)

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So far I've used autocannon havocs and plasma havocs (both alpha legion, Mark of slaanesh) and I've not been disappointed with either. Plasma both infiltrating and in rhinos has worked out nicely to get them either into rapid fire range or at an awkward distance of about 18 where the -1 to hit kicks in.


Auto havocs are not as outright scary as stuff with lascannons, but they tend to sit back in cover and chip away all game. Quite handy against a multitude of targets. Get very interesting against Necrons vehicles with quantum shielding. Terminators do not like them. I have a feeling they might be handy against dark eldar vehicles.

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As often it depends:


- my favorite squad remains the one with 4 lascans, usually two squads in the same army. It offers you great capabilities;

- 4 HB is nice only against mass-infantry opposition;

- 4 ACs is good also because it is versatile. Yet as mentioned by other Frater, the AC is lacking some capability to deal a good number of damage;

- I also play sometimes 4 missile launchers but I reckon they are not as interesting as they used to be...


Regarding close support squads:


- 4 flamers in a 10-Legionaries squad is quite impressive when paired with an assault squad but you must give them a Rhino or a Dreadclaw;

- same comment for the 4 meltas;

- 4 plasma guns is going to be one of my favourite because it offers a very decent compromise between firepower and range. The only thing that I can tell against this format is that it does not provide an anti-tank capability that is as good as the 4 meltas format.



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I run mine with Heavy Bolters or Lascannons as well. I like missile launchers well also, but I almost always wish I took lascannons instead, when I bring them along.

I think havocs are significantly better than obliterators this edition. The total randomness of the oblits has them under-performing for me every time I've tried using them.


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I run mine with Heavy Bolters or Lascannons as well. I like missile launchers well also, but I almost always wish I took lascannons instead, when I bring them along.

I think havocs are significantly better than obliterators this edition. The total randomness of the oblits has them under-performing for me every time I've tried using them.



Damn... your post made me consider missiles with VoTLW.  Frag would really hurt wounding on 3s or 2s.  

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I really don't like the Missile Launcher.

The only one time where I felt the Missile Launchers were worth their points was when ... I was using Blastmaster which is basically a 5p cheaper Missile Launcher with Assault1d6 AP-1 and Ignore Cover on the Frag profile and Heavy1d3 D1d3 Ignore Cover on the Krak profile.

That being said I hope Emperor's Children get a Havoc-type unit with all Blastmaster whenever they might get a Codex. :P

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And I don't use Noise Marines, so I'm stick with mundane weapons. I know a lot of people dump on versatile units and weapons, but I value them. I like that missiles can be used to crack armor and punish infantry because you never know if you're going to fighting a Guard parking lot or a Tyranid gribblies swarm. Extra lascannons are needed in the former but a waste in the latter, so the missile launchers let me fight both on stable ground.
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I really don't like the Missile Launcher.

The only one time where I felt the Missile Launchers were worth their points was when ... I was using Blastmaster which is basically a 5p cheaper Missile Launcher with Assault1d6 AP-1 and Ignore Cover on the Frag profile and Heavy1d3 D1d3 Ignore Cover on the Krak profile.

That being said I hope Emperor's Children get a Havoc-type unit with all Blastmaster whenever they might get a Codex. :tongue.:

All-Blastmaster Unit? D-d-drop the bass :laugh.: In all seriousness, I feel the Emperor's Children and World Eaters will be getting the Death Guard and Thousand Sons treatment, definitely. Both armies desperately need an update. Like, with both of them, some models have aged well, whereas others look like hot :censored:.


And I don't use Noise Marines, so I'm stick with mundane weapons. I know a lot of people dump on versatile units and weapons, but I value them. I like that missiles can be used to crack armor and punish infantry because you never know if you're going to fighting a Guard parking lot or a Tyranid gribblies swarm. Extra lascannons are needed in the former but a waste in the latter, so the missile launchers let me fight both on stable ground.

I think a lot of people dump on Missile Launchers because they're just too expensive for what they bring. And yeah, you're never sure what you're going to face in a tournament. But like, in a casual game at your FLGS, you usually can take a guess.

For example with my FLGS, we have "That Guy" Charles (yes, we have a That Guy. It's not fun). Charles plays Tyranids, and only Tyranids. So what am I bringing, Lascannons or Missile Launchers? Well, I'm not bringing anything because Charles is That Guy, and is not fun to play against, at all :lol: But like, the other players we have: Dude with Blood Angels (who wants to get into T'au, ew), Dude with Blood Angels and Necrons, Dude with Salamanders, Dude with Genestealer Cult and AdMech (who's working on Thousand Sons). So it's also like "Oh, I'm facing Cory? Well, prepare for Necrons or Blood Angels" :lol:

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I like them quite a bit in general, the issue I have with them is that they are just a little bit worse than lascannons and we don't have a ton of problems taking out infantry unless they are fearless. 

I agree they are a little inefficient, but I think a lot of units/upgrades/weapons that are over-costed in this edition have potential anyway because of stratagems and legion tactics that support them. I've mostly stopped taking them though because lascannons are just better, since I tend to use them both for the same thing.

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As with most things it depends on what you face and on what you want to field.

My jack of all trades would be 2x6 Havoks with a combination of 3 heavy weapons. Laser/Missile/Heavy Bolter

Thanks to Split Fire Rules I can point them at what they are best against.

And why Missile Launcher? Well..  (not only) because of the Anit-Air-Missile. It's surprising to see  what has got the Fly Keyword on their sheet...

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