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How to equip Dunecrawlers Against Mortarion?


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im gonna play against death guard led by mortarion and lots of poxwalkers, i was thinking in changing my 2 dunecrawlers Neutron Laser to Icarus Array, cause they will hit on 2+ agaisnt Morty and drones, and if i have to hit infantary they will hit on 4+ but will reroll with Cawl, what do you think? and other strategies against DG?



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Morty can cast a -1 to hit spell on himself, so Icarus crawlers will at least negate that. Also, they have plague drones and bloat drones which fly. I've found when I've played against a Mortarian list with my guard, you want to be pumping out more shots over higher damage output. Simply because his 3+/4++/5+++ negates a lot of high AP stuff.


A big blob of dakkabots using WoM will at least get a few hits go straight to his Fnp save.

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I actually really rate the Icarus in general, for sheer weight of firepower... if you need to shoot it at ground targets ... use the stratagem to have it hit on 2's  or put up with hitting on 4's.
10 shots, 1d6 damage  5 1 damage and  4  2 damage for  around 140 points  ( going off memory here give me a break if its up or down a bit)

Against death guard I'd definitely go for a weight of Fire over high strength, high AP you want them failing lots of feel no pain rolls , 
Last time I actually managed to finish off Morty with 3 X 10 man blobs of vanguard with Rad carbines ..... he was flying into my lines being threatening , 6's to  3's to hit 6's to wound ... when your rolling  90 dice ... you will get a few 2 damage hits through.

I'm starting to fall out of love with the Neutron laser ....  the 1d3 shots are too unreliable especially in a world of  Invuln saves and  when you do manage to get one through the save ...  its 3 damage  ... which could have been done by the mini-missiles on the Icarus.

As I mature as an army I've actually started taking the cheap option,  392 points brings  3 Eradication beamer onagers and a TPE, that's  3 X D6 shots at strength 8  at -2  on 3 single T7 11 wound bodies with 3+, 5++  s ... If I had 3 more onagers  I'd take another spearhead with  3 Icarus and another TPE  for another 437.  that leaves plenty of room for Walls of troops in a battalion 

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I'd agree with the random Neutron laser shots.... very difficult to really count on it when the chips are down. It's a tank I have -amazing- turns with and -terrible- turns with. I guess we could say that with anything but I think we all enjoy some consistency and random elements in 40K kind of hurt us.


About Morty... I play as Death Guard a lot. I know that a pair of Neutron Laser shots getting through are definitely HUGE, but rare. Here's the other thing... when I play Mortarion I actually tend to use the bodyguard retinue of Terminators, so what they do is on a 2+ they can intercept the hit on Mortarion if in range. 


So if you see where I'm going with this is I enjoy those bodyguards immensely on high damage weapons like lascannons, neutron lasers, etc. 


My advice would be similar to others talking about widdling him down... quickly. Which is incredibly easy in 40K now. (To be honest I don't even like using Mort for this reason. An 'aware' meta can take him down very quickly, very reliably and cause the Death Guard player to be down a quarter of his points in no time.)


A thing I like to do is with the jazz hand priests, or Sicaran Infiltrators.... have them run up, give him a truckload of shots, you'll be wounding on 5 or 6's but more importantly you're causing additional mortal wounds on 6, leaving him to his Disgustingly Resilience rolls for survivability.


I do think the 'best' Death Guard Mortarion lists incorporate Nurgle daemons so be aware of Mort healing up in those cases.

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I have an amusing story from a game against death gaurd ..

I took Greyfax for some deny plus  ,I had just finished painting her in my Metallica colours and was rather proud of her, I decided I'd just randomly take a power ... and rolled up Dominate.
Which sounded fun enough.

Turn 2 Greyfax moved up to make him the closest character target and dominated him, deny failed I elected to have him make a combat attack against his bodyguard terminator unit using his  Eviscerating Blow's to kill  off 2 terminators ...

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thank you all for the replies!


im gonna take 2 dunecrawlers with Icarus and 4 shooty robots with Cawl in a Spearhead detachment


in a Stygies detachment ill take 1 unit of 3 dragoons, 2 enginseer and all my troops


im still deciding what to do with my troops, but probably im gonna infiltrate 2 suicide vanguard squads with 3 plasma each, and the rest of my troops will be rangers that will sit in the back and shoot their 30'' rifles and serve has shield to Cawl and the heavy supports


ill take also a vanguard detachment

Greyfax and an acolyte (cheap tax unit), 1 Culexus and 1 Eversor to disrupt the hes back line

but as psychic power i was thinking on taking terrify so i can charge the drones with my dragoons without the overwatch from the flamers,,, but dominate always sound fun :)

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