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Current Dreadnought options?


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So I haven't picked up anything 40k since 5th edition, but on a whim I picked up the 8th ed rulebook and DA codex. Given the rumors I heard about everything that was to be included in the book (Stormraven, contemptor dreads...) I was disappointed not to see the options for a mortis dread, or even a regular dread with double twin autocannons. Are there other resorced I'm missing?

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You'll find the Mortis itself in the Forgeworld Index, and the autocannon dread options in the Imperial Index  books. Codices currently only cover models (and their options) that are produced by GW, and since autocannons are not on the sprues, the option isn't in the codex.

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Just wanted to keep this convo going in regards to what people feel are good loadouts currently in 8th for Dreadnoughts. Ive been considering a rifleman ven dread but -1 AP doesnt feel that great to me on 8 shots.. am I wring to think this? I would argue myself in saying it feels to better synergize with grim resolve going with a dread camped in the back getting those rerolls of 1.. esentialy capatizing on not having any HQ babysitting the dread that starts to make sense points wise .. on teh other hand , moving up with a razorback and getting -1 to hit first round seems to be what I see everyone running. Any insights would be great. Currently im rocking 1 ven dread with 2 twin autocannons and a second mortis dread with 2 twin las
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I'm building Venerable Dread right now. Gonna arm him with Lascannons and missle launcher (it's a pity set doesn't contain the launcher though, so I have to find it somewhere). That's some serious fire support. Also if stationary, it's gonna hit almost always (2+ and grim resolve for rerolling 1s). Can't wait to test it out in combat :teehee:

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I love me some riflemen.

Cheap, and often not perceived as a credible threat until they hose down light vehicles, monstrous creatures and infantry. The volume of shots is pretty great.


My Leviathan is getting two Stormcannon arrays, too (and swapout options, but I expect to use this loadout most often).

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As an alternative I have been successful with the stock Dread of Assault Cannon and DCCW.  It's ignored and so often survives to make it into assault, chewing up vehicles nicely (most of the time)!

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