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Converted Daemon Prince of Slannesh and Chaos Spawn

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Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to this whole throwing myself out there to be taken apart by the general public but I guess the only way I get better is if I get some honest opinion right?  I write on a blog that is still very much in its infancy but still has a decent amount of content and is still expanding.




I'd really appreciate it if some fellow Chaos players could check it out and give me some honest feedback on my work, what i did wrong, what I did right... have you done something similar, how did you do it? Or even if seeing my work inspires you to do something similar? (which would be super awesome)


Thanks guys, hope to hear from you all soon.

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Oh its this guy... I know he is a bit Keeper of Secrets too but that's intentional. I was making a prince with 4 arms so I could use it as either.  Its made from an Eldar Avatar kit as a base... seemed appropriate to consume it for Slannesh, I hope you like it ^~^



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Thank you very much! Its really nice to see that little guy getting some love as its harldly of my more elaborate sculpts. It was hard work being an old metal model though so im glad he see's play. Inreally like that as the old bloodletters have a very different aesthetic, this Herald really does look like one of those has climbed the ranks of daemon hood from that group.
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I recently had some interest on my Slaanesh Daemon Prince on Twitter, so I decided to take some comparason photos between The ~Prince and the Avatar of Khaine as that was the base kit used to create the conversion. I hope my pics are good enough and you can tell which original parts I used.





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Ha ha, yeah I see it! I'd never really thought about it. Thanks. I didnt really know what to do with it when I got it... I didnt really want to exchange it but I already had an Avatar that I didnt want to get rid of... So even though I have a Tzeentch army I decided to try and make a daemon prince out of it, I'm pretty pleased with how much of the original model I used.  Theres a whole rundown of it on our blog.  I'm glad you like it!

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