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Source of head?

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Greetings, brothers

I was browsing the internet, as I am want to do, when I came across a particular image of a Space Marine squad. In said squad, there is a particular head that I cannot find the source for. I have searched for it somewhat intensely, crawling through every head bits sites offer with a fine tooth-comb, examining GW sprue pics, searching Forge World, but all for vain. It's extremely similar to the Dark Vengeance Ravenwing Sergeant, but as that has both the body and a hood attached to it, I don't believe that is it. I'm just... kinda lost, here. Any knowledge of what it might be would be immensely appreciated.


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If I am not fully mistaken, then this should be the rebreather head from the Space Marine Commander kit (Check out the fella with claw and plasma pistol)




Afraid the vents on the commander are in the wrong orientation, old chap.


It's OOP these days, from the Tactical Squad before the current one. There's a similar one in the plastic Commander box:


Ah, pity that. I had some of those kits and I don't seem to possess that bit. Thanks for the help, both of you.


If I am not fully mistaken, then this should be the rebreather head from the Space Marine Commander kit (Check out the fella with claw and plasma pistol)




Afraid the vents on the commander are in the wrong orientation, old chap.




Damn shame :/ If it really is from the OOP tactical kit then I am afraid this will be the next best solution unless you hit a jackpot on ebay.

No its definitely from the previous tactical squad kit as others have said, I still have some on sprue.


It didn't come in the old tactical kit when it was originally released in 1998, but it came on the 2004 version when they recut the sprues and added a few new bits in.


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