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Sternguard loadouts: anti tank.

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Hey all, I've been giving some thought as to how to equip a sternguard squad for anti tank anti monster role, and I'm thinking double multi melta and either combi plasma if arriving by drop pod, or combi melta if traveling in rhino/razor back. I'm thinking five man with the weapons I listed and a captain for rerolls if arriving by pod with plasma, and sang novitiate or priest to bring models back in bothe cases. Questions that arise are what to arm sergeant with in his off hand, maybe just a chainsword to keep him cheap, or power sword for charge deterrent, what to equip captain with and whether to go with priest or novitiate, leaning forwards noviate to keep him cheapish, also the priests buff to strength would be kind of wasted on a squad that I want to keep out of cc. I obviously would magnetise the combi weapons to swap between the two loadouts/ delivery methods.
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So due to the special issue bolters, Sternguard are already pretty damn nice at hurting vehicles because of the Masterful Marksmanship stratagem, for 1CP you +1 to all of the To Wound rolls. So anything T7 or lower you hurt on a 4+!


Multi-Meltas are nice to ensure the big chunks of damage within drop-pod range.


A Captain like you said for the re-rolls is useful, and I think a Leiutenant is pretty gnarly too, to maximize everything.

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Honestly, Special Issue Boltguns are great for anti-Monster (and anti-NotT8 tank). Masterful Marksmanship really kicks them up a notch, and means their target selection is really broad (they can slaughter light infantry; bring down heavy infantry; and they can put the hurt on big things).


A friend of mine has been running 10-man squads with SIBs and two Missile Launchers, so I think a similar loadout with Multi-Meltas would be reasonable.


If you're going for Drop Podded Multi-Meltas, however, you might be better off loading up two 5-man Devastator squads. That'd give you serious anti-Tank/Monster firepower wherever you need it. Give the characters Jump Packs so they can drop down independently of the Drop Pod.

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