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Sell me on Knight Houses


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Bit of a free-flow topic but I've pretty much decided that I am getting into Knights.


I've held off on owning a real LoW for many years now and I think the Castellan may be what finally turns me when it shows up.


What I need from you guys is basically inspiration for which house to choose? Preferably I'd want it to be 30k + 40k compatible, though I I imagine i'd mostly be playing in 40k because my start to the army is 4 Armigers!


At the moment I'm mulling over the following:

  • Malinax - love the transfer sheet and the Xana scheme, also have a load of Mechanicum Cybernetica I may go Xana with too...
  • Makabius - could go with my small 30k Death Guard contingent
  • Taranis/ Raven/ Krast/ Vulker - all that 40k Ad Mech friendly goodness
  • Vyronii - transfer available, colourscheme quite different to all of my other projects

My other armies are:

  • 40k Blood Angels
  • 40k Ad Mech
  • 40k/ 30k Custodes
  • 30k Death Guard
  • 30k Mechanicum
  • Probably 30k Dark Angels

Then I suppose the only other spanner in the works is if Fires of Cyraxus gives us some really solid fluff/ colours for the Mechanicum bots in 40k - in which case i'll probably paint them to match my 40k stuff and forego Xana... Then probably cry when the Dark Mechanicum lists come out in whatever heresy book :teehee:


So yeah, bit of a brain dump around which houses are cool, what would suit my collection, what could give me a new painting challenge etc?


I've got 4 Warglaives (which I am aiming to bring to the 40k Doubles in June at WHW) and would like to have my house decided and painted by then ;)

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Aren't many houses older than the heresy by a few millenia? Finding a house that's both 30K/40k shouldn't be hard. Going with a mechanicum house will mesh well with your existing admech forces, but an Imperial one will let you do something different with the color scheme potentially? A freeblade is a cool alternative but only really makes sense if you're just doing the one knight. Honestly I would pick a knight house based on what color scheme you like if you aren't doing your own.

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Make your own knight house, and make it stand out. Add details like flavorful conversions. Pick colors based on whatever factor you like, and try to establish underlying themes to the House that makes it unique. It's a lot of fun, and more immersive imho than making the knights "match" an existing army.

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I just gonna lurk here. Even tho I love the Imperial Knight fluff to death, I really don't have any favorites among the houses. Gonna be interesting to see what people have to say about them. :P

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House Raven for sure. While the color schemes in general for Imperial Houses appeal to me more, Raven has a citadel that rivals the Palace! And awesome transfers.

I changed up the color scheme a bit to match better with the Metallica Adeptus Mechanicus, which is another reason to take Raven.


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House Raven for sure. While the color schemes in general for Imperial Houses appeal to me more, Raven has a citadel that rivals the Palace! And awesome transfers.


I changed up the color scheme a bit to match better with the Metallica Adeptus Mechanicus, which is another reason to take Raven.


That's basically what the Metallica player in my group plans to do with the Knight we got him as birthday present. :D

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Personally I think making my own knight house was one of the best parts about starting knights as an army, there's so much freedom in what you can do with them that your imagination is the limit really. 


Personally l've always loved Arthurian legend and wanted to heavily theme my house based on that, having my knights believe that the texts from old earth they hold in sacred regard as the histories of their house is actually the book; Knights of the round table.


The idea that they are the successors to the mantle of the knights from before old night is actually a ploy from the nearest forge world which was settled to gain control of the knight world. After the house declared sole allegiance to the emperor and not the mechanicum another way to control their military might had to be devised, with the arch magos of this forgeworld appointing himself as House Pendrakens chief adviser and designating himself as Unit: M3R'L1N.


And that's just my personal house, I've seen so many creative uses of the established lore that it really does boggle the mind ya know. 


Warm welcome to the ranks of the honoured Lord Scions brother, fight your battles with courage and honour and whatever heraldry you choose to display your name shall live on in the tales of men forever ;)

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Thanks so far guys.


Still undecided but while I quite like the Custom Knight House idea, I always feel a little more connected to the fluff if it's part of the cannon already. I think in reality this is where I went wrong with my BA a few years ago; while I love my scheme, my chapters fluff is always changing and I can never fully decide on something.


Keep it coming though!

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The new knight codex is right around the corner. Why not wait for it before deciding? There might be relevant fluff, some new paint schemes, or house-specific rules that could influence your decision. Nothing is worse than starting to paint a lot of stuff, and realizing a few weeks later that the other scheme/house/chapter would have been cooler.

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The new knight codex is right around the corner. Why not wait for it before deciding? There might be relevant fluff, some new paint schemes, or house-specific rules that could influence your decision. Nothing is worse than starting to paint a lot of stuff, and realizing a few weeks later that the other scheme/house/chapter would have been cooler.

I'm hoping it comes out with enough time for me to #Hobby before the 40k doubles :P

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The new knight codex is right around the corner. Why not wait for it before deciding? There might be relevant fluff, some new paint schemes, or house-specific rules that could influence your decision. Nothing is worse than starting to paint a lot of stuff, and realizing a few weeks later that the other scheme/house/chapter would have been cooler.

I thought about waiting before fully going House Raven on the new Armigers, then I realized the fluff is unlikely to change a ton for them and the new House rules are just as unlikely to be game changers (just my opinion! I love the new chapter/sept/dynasty rules but I am of the belief people put faaaar too much emphasis on them).

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I just ended up painting my armigers in a custom scheme (that scales up to fancier colours and metals for bigger knights) and they'll get whatever rules are attached to the fluff I'm most interested in. I'm leaning freeblades right now but that might change. I do want them to be admech aligned though

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My Knights are all freeblades, but that is mostly because none of them have the same paint scheme. I haven't figured out transfers either.



I think the best complement to a Freeblade knight, in terms of transfers, is the Blackshields set or the Solar Auxilia set of transfers from Forge World. Both have some pretty great designs.

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Charlo,your point with your ,BA is why the ,DIY might be your best choice. You would be developing your house as you progressed through battles ,and intertwining with the fluff writing your own chapter in 40k.
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I was like this before I bought my first Knight. Thought I was decided on House Taranis to go with my Mars AdMec. In the end i've gone with House Col'Khak. They have some awesome fluff, owes fealty first with the Mechanium and FW do an awesome paint guide in the Imperial Armour Masterclass book too. 

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I may be a bit biased but I'll make my case anyway. As you already play 30k Mechanicum and 40k AdMech, surely House Taranis would be your best option aside from making up your own lore. They operate more akin to a Titan Legion rather than a Knightly House (having been on Mars with three Legions for the whole of the Age of Strife) and they don't have as many notions of feudalism and fealty due to the lack of mind altering technology, which makes them rather unique compared to other knightly Houses.


I love the Knightbringer's idea of the Knights of the Round Table, why haven't I heard of that before it's brilliant.

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I like that idea to, but how do we narrow down the main knights of the round table? I would think the main ones(aka show up the most in fiction) are:









That's 8 knights for you to theme and paint.

I've been using the original knights names as titles, so things like the house champion and most skilled duellist pilots the suit titled "The Lancelot" and the High King is usually pilots "The Arthur" and the rest are named to fit their roles. The scions have their personal names as well but the suits have the hereditary knightly titles with pilots being matched to the one that best suits their personality or position.

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House Raven for sure. While the color schemes in general for Imperial Houses appeal to me more, Raven has a citadel that rivals the Palace! And awesome transfers.

I changed up the color scheme a bit to match better with the Metallica Adeptus Mechanicus, which is another reason to take Raven.


Great Scheme! I sometimes regret not going forward with my Metallica scheme but way too late for that now. Then I see a tasty morsel like this and get the itch!

I like how you've kept enough of it "house raven" yet without destroying that theme you've got the Metallica touch. Very nice.

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