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Sell me on Knight Houses


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As the proud owner of a House Malinax Knight Army, welcome to the legions of the Questor Traitoris!


It's a great House, with a beautiful, easy to paint colour scheme, great fluff... and access to an actual, separately purchasable transfer sheet! (Making us the envy of 90% of the rest of the Knight community).


We get 'better' Knights than our Imperial counterparts too (weapon choices, extra rule on the Atrapos, better access to heals via Hellwrights). Where you'll find it starts to sting - and I'd love to discuss this aspect with someone like yourself who's in the same position - is our woeful lack of rules support of late. If we want to play as the Renegade House we are, we must forego the use of any Knight stratagems or rules (no 'Rotate Ion Shields' especially hurts) as well as potentially no access to the new knights that are coming unless the codex writers remember us...


We have the option of playing 'counts as' and using Mechanicus/Imperial Knight rules, but it's not ideal and can start to hurt the wallet if you're switching back and forth while taking supporting units (especially fluffy ones).


How are you looking at handling the above for your army?


(Also, ensure all your Knights are given appropriately unpronounceable names - seriously, look at the 'known' Malinax named Knights lists - I'm pretty sure using any name which any ordinary person can pronounce by the third attempt gets us kicked out of the House Malinax union... ;) )

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Seeing as I have 4 Armigers I'll be certainly count as for now, with traitors being the name of the game for 30k in support of my (eventual...) Legio Cybernetica army.


If I expend an Atropos will certainly be next on the list.


How do you paint the scheme? Do you have any pics?

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I really want to invest in some Armigers, (with our House being from Xana II, I'd *really* like to pick up a couple of Hell Blades / Talons also as it's such a fluffy combo - you see the dilemma I'm sure :) ). I've been playing it safe and focusing on pure Knights for now in the hope that we'll have some updates and answers in the codex. Herminista's info regarding the Renegade boxed game being re-released could be a cause for optimism there.


Fires of Cyraxis getting a release finally could be a real help too (pretty please Forge World?)


Once my other half is home and I can borrow their camera, I'll put a few pictures up for sure. 

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Oh man, those Malinax transfers are glorious. I have two renegade Malinax knights, and I did not know this item existed!

I echo what Stray said; the Lords of Xana II are beneficent and wise masters, and the three-tailed scorpion looks awesome... but we might get left out in the cold as far as rules are concerned.

Side note: I am not a fan of the pseudo Nahuatl naming conventions... House Malinax helped to burn Prospero, which already has pseudo-Aztec sounding names; there is not a compelling reason why the contemporary knights of Xana should have titles that sound the same as the places they are destroying on Prospero. If this was done intentionally, it might be interesting, but but I can see no evidence of that. In any case, taking the style of names from destroyed enemies still seems weird.


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The names are bizarre aren't they? It's the one aspect I'm not a huge fan of either, and you're right - there doesn't seem to be a fluffy explanation for it. Or at least none that's been published anywhere I've seen.


(That three-tailed Scorpion being based on some of Xana's mega-fauna, is practically begging for someone to convert one for use as a Chaos Spawn or similar to go alongside some Renegade and Heretic support troops).



The rules thing is kinda frustrating...

I've always felt that it really shouldn't be too hard (especially with keywords being a thing now), just to mirror across whatever Imperial Knights get, sans any special characters or relics? Copy, paste, and change Questor Imperialis to Questor Traitoris. It's quick, it's lazy, but I'd be happy with a lazy fix over none at all personally, and I don't see a balance reason not to do it... O.o



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As promised Charlo (excuse the picture quality - neither of us really have a decent camera, and I certainly make no claims of talent as a photographer!):







I've currently six Knights in various states of 'completed', this one is possibly my favourite (I love the Atrapos) and is finished and based. I've dubbed her the 'Miserichord' (latin for 'mercy stroke' and was a dagger used to dispatch armoured knights that couldn't get back to their feet - seemed fitting :P)


I don't claim to be a 'pro' painter by any means, but If it's any help, my take on the Malinax paint scheme goes something like this:


- Prime/Undercoat with black

- Metal structure is base coated with Leadbelcher, then I wash the whole area with a 50/50 mix of Seraphim Sepia and Nuln oil. Two coats of the wash to get it reasonably 'tarnished', then I lightly drybrush the lot with Runefang Steel.

- Trim is base coated with a 50/50 mix of Abaddon Black and Leadbelcher (I usually allow just a tiny bit more black than silver in the mix). That then get's washed with straight Nuln Oil, and dry brushed lightly with Rune Fang again, concentrating on the edges mostly.

- Armour plates are a base coat of Zandri Dust, then a layer of Karak Stone over the top of that. I then pin wash with the same wash mix as the metal areas into any creases etc on the plates. I tend to cheat a lot, and make use of FW weathering powders (Dark earth and Black soot) to help 'dirty up' and further shade any areas of the plates that need it.

- Weathering is then the normal Ryza Rust, Lamian Medium, Typhus corrosion, and Nihilakh Oxide, along with FW Aged Rust powder.


It comes out a bit lighter on the plates, and definitely a little less 'yellow' than some of the Malinax Knights GW show at times, but their scheme used another companies paints (believe it or not) and a fair bit more mixing. Honestly, I kinda prefer the slightly lighter tone anyway :)

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I think the picture quality is perfectly reasonable. Iwould be perfectly happy with a result like that. 


I'm impressed with the overall effect you have achieved on this knight. I think it matches the Atropos on the FW site pretty well (It seems the larger knight has a more yellow tone). I'm impressed you did such a good job with such straightforward paints. The weathering looks ace.

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I think the picture quality is perfectly reasonable. Iwould be perfectly happy with a result like that. 


I'm impressed with the overall effect you have achieved on this knight. I think it matches the Atropos on the FW site pretty well (It seems the larger knight has a more yellow tone). I'm impressed you did such a good job with such straightforward paints. The weathering looks ace.


Thank you, that's nice of you to say :)


Good catch on the FW Atrapos. That particular Knight was really what drew me into Knights as an army, I loved the pose and colour scheme on it. So I shamelessly borrowed the same pose and many of the details for my own Atrapos.

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@ Charlo -  Go Malinax, that triple tailed scorpy logo is amazing and the creepy bone colour screams 'gothic warmachine' ! Once I have completed my Alpha Legion 30k force I will be adding Malinax themed knights.


@ Stray - Amazing rendition of a Malinax Atrapos, I agree that with you that a slightly lighter, less yellow tone looks better (imo ofc not pure fact).


Also the Malinax knights seem to have some South American culture names, the names remind of Aztec, Incan and Mayan style words. I think I would name the pilots in that style but give the actual knights 'traditional' warhammer names like 'Corpse Grinder' or 'Foe Bane' etc :D. 

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Thanks Charlo!


It's definitely them method I've had the most success with personally (many a Knight was soaked in Dettol prior to that point!) Let us know how the Armigers come out for sure.

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