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21st founding traitor chapter

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When I think about all the books I read where the Iron Warriors where involved in I'd say no. Reason being that that A) the Imperium would and could not use the gene seed of the Iron Warriors since they were declared Hereticus and B) Not even the Iron Warriors have access to a solid source for their gene seeds - that's why they steal gene seed from other chapters. It's explained in the books "Storm of Iron", "Black Sun" and "The Siege of Castellax".


Cawl actually asked RG in the book "Dark Imperium" if he wanted to give the gene seeds of the traitor legions another go but RG told him flat out to get rid of all the material he had of them.

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When I think about all the books I read where the Iron Warriors where involved in I'd say no. Reason being that that A) the Imperium would and could not use the gene seed of the Iron Warriors since they were declared Hereticus and :cool.: Not even the Iron Warriors have access to a solid source for their gene seeds - that's why they steal gene seed from other chapters. It's explained in the books "Storm of Iron", "Black Sun" and "The Siege of Castellax".


Cawl actually asked RG in the book "Dark Imperium" if he wanted to give the gene seeds of the traitor legions another go but RG told him flat out to get rid of all the material he had of them.


Well... Other than that Cawl already had made Primaris with Traitor gene-seed.

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Things were pretty fast and loose in the 21st founding. There are two things I find wrong with that though. First, even if a chapter were formed with traitor geneseed (and boy could I write a whole essay on my theories on that), they and pretty much anyone outside of the gene magos who created the seed would have no idea of it. So from a story hook, "They're Iron Warriors" doesn't really work simply because they wouldn't know that, and even winks and nods are beyond what they would have been told. If you create a chapter with traitor geneseed, you certainly wouldn't tell them such.


The other thing is that the 21st was, thematically, about the folly of tinkering with the relatively stable but flawed geneseed of the Imperials to try to correct those flaws. It was also a notably tragic founding as most known chapters from it have met questionable ends. Having a chapter that was both fully successful is odd enough for that founding, but the IW geneseed was quite stable to begin with (present warp degradation notwithstanding).


It seems that this kind of thing is done with a bit of a wink, but you may want to consider a different founding, or a more tragic and hybrid seed story.


Edit: This is why you don't forum at 4am. They're traitors. Got it. Some sort of geneseed tempered with IW seed to try to fix a flaw would totally work.

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Has he? Where does it say that?




Has he? Where does it say that?

It's heavy implied by some Primaris chapters like the Sons of the Phoenix





Furthermore, he has continued experimental implantation and monitoring of the thus-far unused gene-seed in experimental test subjects. That of the Second, Third, Fourth, Eighth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Twentieth Legions all show no sign of degradation or incidence of unwelcome tendencies within the recipients. All is well, my lord, Archmagos Belisarius Cawl reassures you. He is so satisfied that I am instructed to repeat his request that those gene-lines be put into full production and be allowed to serve the Imperium as the Emperor intended.’ ‘No,’ said Guilliman firmly. ‘I cannot allow it”


From Dark Imperium. Noticeably, he also made Primaris Marines from the Lost Legions.

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