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Converted Thousand Sons Helbrute

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Hey everyone, I've put a new post up on our blog of my Thousand Sons Helbrute, converted from the old Dark Vengeance model (started before the more versatile stand alone model was released). If you want to see more pics or know more about the build then you could check out the blog! Thanks guys, any feedback you want to give is always greatly appreciated.




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Yes it is! i love how unsettling people find it, my friend has a nurgle army which is awesome and he likes to make people feel sick when they look at his stuff. I wanted this to feel gross in a different way... Change and not decay.

Ha ha, yeah I definitely wanted it to be unsettling and its easily one of my favourite models I made.  I think this and my camouflaged Junk lictor have to be my to favourite models that I should judge the standard of my "good" conversions by.  So I'm really pleased you like it.  I've been brainstorming and when I have time I have some awesome ideas for my baneblade now.  Mostly thanks to people like you guys getting back to me. So thanks

Guys, you should see the Possessed I'm converting.  I inherited a unit of pre-built possessed, I wasn't happy with the poses on some or that so many of the parts repeated... then I thought, why are the possessions so uniform, like... why would they all just have little horns on their arms legs and armour.  So I started adjusting... starting off tame like, I think the first one I just gave him and extra sword (a grey knight falchion) and cut notches out of it to make it serrated. but the last like 6 Ive done are getting wild, I mean, the others look like standard rank and file Chaos Space Marines by comparison... some of these last ones I could probably get away with doubling as spawn.  I'll get some pics up soon... I forget how crazy they look until I take a photo and imagine someone else looking at it and saying "what is wrong with you man?".

Yeah ol, maybe i got carrird away... It was fun though! Yeah i think i could use like 2-3 of them as spawn. Most of them have two arms, legs and head though. I just didntblike how similarr they all looked. Like dae.ons are filling out forms and requisitioning potential mutations from list? Imagine if a human could be posessed by anybanimal in the world and inherit traits..

What about any animal in the universe? Now make those animals from a dimention of unreality. My guys are looking pretty normal now right?


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