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single camo cloak in scout squad


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Reading the scout entry i realise that  ''any model may take a camo cloak.''


My idea is to add a single camo cloak on the scout sergent equip with a sniper rifle. The idea behind it is to hide the sergent scout in cover so after the 4 bolter scout with him are  dead, he get a 2+ save. If the 4 scout are kill, he just have to pass a 4+ morale test to survive and become a unit of one until he die.


With only a sniper rifle and a 2+ save this single model become a low priority target for opponent, but can be good against enemy character if your opponent ignore him.


Anyone have try a setup like this?


scout unit: 62 pts

4 bolter scout:44 pts

scout sergent with sniper rifle and camo cloak: 18 pts


option 2:

scout unit: 75pts

3 bolter scout:33 pts

heavy bolter scout with camo cloak:24pts

scout sergent with sniper rifle and camo cloak: 18 pts

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Good use of the Camo cloak but this would be a better idea on a Heavy Bolter or Missile Launcher Scout.


Sniper Rifles are really lacklustre at the moment. Need at least 10 in a unit to reliably have a chance at killing weaker characters.

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I agree that the heavy bolter is a better option for a single camo cloak in a squad.  Several editions ago, I ran a large-ish squad with a stormbolter on the sergeant and a heavy bolter in the squad.  They would infiltrate or outflank (don't remember), fight and win one melee (rest of the squad was pistol and sword), then the surviving 3-4 models would grab some cover and just be annoying pricks that are only marginally worth rooting out.  That sort of thing would work very well now... "come for the bubble wrap, stay for the cloaked heavy bolter in cover"

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Not that impressed with the hellfire thing.  It costs CP for a random low number of mortal wounds.  Situational at best. I wouldn't pay 1CP to kill a single terminator, and that's kind of what the stratagem is capable of.  So...if it gets me the last 1-2HP on a stormsurge, great.  Other than that, hard pass.

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I think if you are dropping hellfire shells on termies or other infantry you are going to be disappointed, I mostly use it to get some auto wounds on high toughness targets or targets that have good invuln saves.  Plus if it makes my cheap little scout with a heavy bolter seem more dangerous, then that means the scouts are doing their job and the rest of my army has a couple less guns pointed at them.


It is definitely not something that is a must use every turn kind of thing, but when you have a chance to get a command point back on a 5 up... throwing some mortal wounds out doesn't hurt if there is a good target for it.

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