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Termite assault drill


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So this thing is now available from FW and the rules are available for free but hmm...it is not available to AdMech at all.




It's a Marine and Chaos thing. Some now pretty useless rules for 30k Mechanicum etc. are available, but no 8th ed. AdMech.


Was I the only one who assumed that this was meant to be an AdMech transport? Did I misinterpret the previews? It looks quite AdMech. The strange symbol it has on the sides seems AdMech-related, although not exactly our traditional double-skull symbol.


As a side note, it does not look exactly awesome rule-wise, but still it would have been better than nothing. My secret hope is that they left the AdMech rules out of the FW website because they plan to sell them as part of Fires of Cyraxus, but I start to doubt it...

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There is lots of chatter just now about a September release for fires.


Pinch of salt required though

Unless FW confirms anything, I'll need a bigger shovel for all the salt. September might be the case, but just as good as all the past March announcements/rumors, useless without mentioning which damn year.


The termite is a nice model and I may add it to my collection. But with Lucius, my mobility is not relying on that one model.

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Considering the short story Myriad shows Moles and Termites were a core part of the Loyalist Resistance on Mars during the Heresy it'd be thoroughly weird for the Mechanicus to stop using them.


I'm thinking it's like Forgeworld went for years making Mechanicum without Skitarii, i suspected someone in GW had dibs on them. I think the case may be the same with 40k transports to some extent maybe.


I think we'll get all the 30k transports eventually, but maybe not till after something plastic is released.

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