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Is terminator armour exclusive just to the Deathwing?


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Or do they have termie armour in any other companies? Reason I ask is I have the space marine start collecting box and the captain is obviously in termie armour so I wanna know would he be painted in the colours of the deathwing or would he be in the green as a standard marine?
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All suits are bone-white.

Cool cheers for clearing that up peeps

This is incorrect and isn't quite that clear.


Not all TDA is bone white, per page 70 of the DA Codex. Librarians wear blue TDA, Chaplains wear black TDA. There is nothing that specifies that a Captain NOT serving with the Deathwing would have bone white TDA - he's not serving with the Deathwing and all TDA is not bone white, so the armor could be green, to show the Captain is serving with a standard company.


The choice is really up to you, Fr33dom, no matter what you choose, you will be correct and fluffy. It's an argument that has shown up here repeatedly, and it ends up being something that the player has to decide for their own army.


My Stoneburners have a different convention, and I use a DIY specifically so I don't have to be beholden to GW's whims.

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Right ok I get ya Mr Blaire nice one! I’m gonna go with the deathwing colour for the El Capitan and work some fluff around it I think. Worst comes to worst I can always strip him and do him green.
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All suits are bone-white.

Cool cheers for clearing that up peeps

This is incorrect and isn't quite that clear.


Not all TDA is bone white, per page 70 of the DA Codex. Librarians wear blue TDA, Chaplains wear black TDA. There is nothing that specifies that a Captain NOT serving with the Deathwing would have bone white TDA - he's not serving with the Deathwing and all TDA is not bone white, so the armor could be green, to show the Captain is serving with a standard company.


The choice is really up to you, Fr33dom, no matter what you choose, you will be correct and fluffy. It's an argument that has shown up here repeatedly, and it ends up being something that the player has to decide for their own army.


My Stoneburners have a different convention, and I use a DIY specifically so I don't have to be beholden to GW's whims.



I'll give you Librarians and Chaplains, I'd forgotten about them. Masters should be Deathwing coloured though. But as you stated, it's all up to you and your imagination!

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It's really your call, Fr33dom, I suspect that GW has never "solidified" this in the Codex specifically because of previous lack of clarity and various depictions they have had. There was even a previous white power armored Deathwing Master. You can find several threads about this very subject in the history of this forum area with a Search and see how many times long-standing members and even our Moderators have gone round and round about it.


Personally, I have always liked the all bone-white TDA, even for the specialists, with their tabards indicating their Librarian and Chaplain statuses (along with all their other accoutrements), but GW depicts the specialists in non-white TDA.

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Terminator armour is for Deathwing and members of the inner circle only :)

What about librarians and chaplains eh?


But seriously I think we may of figured it out

They are Inner Circle . Their colour is just different.
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There is also the issue of the Deathwing only being present in the Dark Angels chapter and none of the further foundings, so that leaves much to be wonderered about if they might have normal 1st companies in other chapters (or if each of the main chapters follows with the other wings).
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Terminator armour is for Deathwing and members of the inner circle only :)

What about librarians and chaplains eh?


But seriously I think we may of figured it out

Librarians and Interrogator chaplains are members of the inner circle and thus have access to terminator armour.


Normal chaplains aren't though, so don't have access to it.

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