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How does Tactical Objective #11 "No Step Back" work?


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MIght be a stupid question, but how does it work?

Drew the card today and neither me nor my opponent and the 2 guys at the other table could figure out what I actually had to do. I just ended up drawing another card.

There is a possibility something is lost in translation since I only own the german version of the Codex and cards. 

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It's a bit of a gamble


When you draw it, you secretly decide if you want it to last until your next turn, your next 2 turns or your next 3 turns. The choices reward 1, D3 or D3+3 points depending on what you chose.


However if the game ends OR one of your units failed a morale check or falls back you lose the card.


So you want to draw it early on for the best value and hope you have plenty of morale boosts and re-rolls.

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With MSU it's not really a big issue to avoid morale. Your opponent will not know you have the objective, but the mechanic of it does allow for people that don't feel bad about cheating to do just that. You are to decide on the number of turns just after drawing it, and then declare at the end of the right turn it's succesful, in the event it hasn't failed by then. But what's keeping you from declaring it after your first following turn, if the table looks likely to make you fall back from combat or fail a morale check, besides your honour and sense of fair play?


You asked how it works, so I'll just for good measure try to make it more clear. You draw the card, then think 1, 2 or 3 turns ahead depending on how the table looks. If you feel like gambling you go for 2 or 3 turns for d3 or d3+3 VP's if the mission is successful. Let's just for example say that you chose 1 turn. Then, at the end of your following turn, if you did not (between drawing the card and the end of that turn) fail a morale check or fall back from combat, you earn 1 VP. Keep in mind that you can fail morale even in your own turns as a result of melee, if enough of your models died. And falling back breaks the mission, which is a shame, as Dark Angels aren't really grat in close combat (except for deathwing knights).

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I was challenged by opponents a few times on this one during 7th Ed so I started writing the number of turns down on my list then covering it with the card.

They can't argue about it then if you wrote it down 3 turns ago.

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