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Hi Brothers,

I have an upcoming game against Necrons. Never played against them and they just received a new Codex, so I was wondering if you have any advice.
I'm not trying to put together a net list or anything like that, just trying to get some tipps what to look out for or what you found effective against them.

It is going to be a 2000 pts game, but I dont have any additional info :smile.:

Thanks in advance

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Focus fire - and select your targets well.  I played a small game vs them and mistakenly did not target the heavy destroyers in favor of something else... and subsequently got shot off the board by some well-rolled gauss cannons. 


Target prioritize, focus fire...  that's pretty much the big ones with the Necrons.  Plasma always helps.

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Thanks :)

I'll bring my Black knights and the Ravenwing supporting cast for some Plasma Shenanigans. And I might fit some Plasma Devs in there.

I also think about trying out some Predators I just painted. The new Stats for the Autocannon look just fine.
I will share the results here.

For the Lion!!!

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My speeders (Sammael and Talon Master) do well against warrior blobs due to you really needing to kill all 20 in one go otherwise they'll resurrect, same goes for other units unless it's completely dead they can do various things to bring models back.


My autocannon Mortis dreads are a real star as well necron vehicles with living metal can ignore high damage by rolling under the total, roll 6 on a Las and they roll less and your wounds are ignored.


The scarabs are a pain multiple wounds and fast and as with wraiths can end up tying you in knots new strat gives them reanimating as well.


They've beefed the Lords quite a bit + given them a resurrect strategem


Even so my mate hates playing DA due to my normal Raven / Greenwing bullet plasma output & the Darkshroud, the mobility with speeders bikes & inceptors helps focus down on 1 squad so they can't resurrect.

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A note on Quantum Shielding for most of their vehicles:


If you deal a certain amount of damage to a Necron vehicle, the opponent has a chance to ignore it if he rolls under the damage you did. So beware going trigger happy with "Weapons of the Dark Age" when overcharging plasma. If for the 3 damage you deal, if he rolls a 1 or 2, he outright ignores it.


Even more hilarious if you roll six damage for Lascannon or Melta, where if he rolls 1-5, he ignores your beautiful six damage.


So the hilarity is that their Ghost Arks and Catacombs are EXTREMELY reisstant to Lascannon and melta damage, but vulnerable to 1 damage weapons like Twin assault cannons and non-charged plasmas.


Conclusion? Bring out your Twin Asssault Cannon razorbacks, and if you are still spamming plasma, don't bother using Weapons of the dark Age on vehicles unless you can mass and focus fire them. The Ghost Arks shockingly, are only T6 so regular plasma should hurt them a lot without needing to overhcharge. But the Assault Cannon razorback still works beautifully.


However, if the guy spams lots of Wraiths..... I'm not sure how to counter them. That unit is arguably broken, T5, 3++, 2 damage tentacles, a strategem that can advance and charge..... be careful with them, mass small arms I think is the best answer since marines don't really have much good assault units..... except maybe for your Deathwing Terminators. fortress of Shields should let them tarpit the wraiths.

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Wraiths are 3 wounds and suffer from 3 damage weapons problem with them is the invulnerable save of 3++


Hellblaster's with wotda and keeping your fingers crossed he fails a few, then as per my other tactic outmanouver and unload your armies worth of firepower on them so they can't use a resurrect strategem on them.


The heavy bolter strategem for mortal wounds helps


Necrons are leadership 10 across the board and for some stupid reason GW gave them a fearless bubble warlord trait so you can't get the warrior blobs to disintegrate themselves if you pile on the casulties, reanimating is normally 5+ and boosted to 4+ near a cryptek and rerolls with an orb or ghost ark.


20 with 19 casulties your going to see 13 - 15 get back up again so target elimination is a priority


That applies to vehicles and characters as well most regain a wound per turn but there are ways of boosting that to d3.


In terms of using wotda on thier vehicles they get no save from plasma as most are 4+ so the living metal save against 3 damage is the equivalent of a 5 or 6 but the sweet spot seems to be 2 damage as thier only getting a 1 in 6 chance.

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To be fair, morale is a dumb phase in 8th. Nothing really happens. Either units are too small, or if they are big enough, they're immune.


I haven't played Necrons at all, so can't comment otherwise, but Wraiths sound scary. Massed assault cannons should be fun though, since it's just volume of shots at that point.

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yeah, it seems like hellblasters would be the key to necron vehicles AND wraiths. 


LOL, as I mentioned in another thread, Hellblasters are cheese since they're almost a counter to EVERYTHING. Almost synonymous with the old Eldar Wraith warrior jokes: If you need to counter X, no matter what it is, just use Wraith warriors with D Scythes. Or the old Gravgun.


I think for a Dark Angel army, your list may not need to change, but weapons target priority needs to change in the sense that regular plasma must be used for VEHICLES instead of elite troops, whereas the big guns like missiles, lascannons and Overcharged plasma, must only be saved for elite multiwound models like Destroyers, Wraiths, and other multi wound models, NOT vehicles.

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LOL, as I mentioned in another thread, Hellblasters are cheese since they're almost a counter to EVERYTHING. Almost synonymous with the old Eldar Wraith warrior jokes: If you need to counter X, no matter what it is, just use Wraith warriors with D Scythes. Or the old Gravgun.


I'm actually not a fan of them, though.  Outside of 15", they're disgustingly points-inefficient.  But if they move, it's not safe to overcharge them.  It's kind of a catch-22.  That's why I prefer the Azrael Lascannon Farm.  It, as you say, counters EVERYTHING. Except necron vehicles, lol. It's too bad...when the necrons were an index list, those lascannons nuked the obligatory monolith on arrival.  That "roll under damage to ignore it" thing is pretty sweet.



To be fair, morale is a dumb phase in 8th. Nothing really happens. Either units are too small, or if they are big enough, they're immune.

Yeah, I noticed that on day one...played MSU in my first game to avoid morale casualties.  It didn't matter.  My opponent, playing ten man squads, lost two marines.  Even when I play my IG, I count my morale losses on one hand.  I think the reason it works in AoS but not in 40k is because AoS is swimming in unit sizes greater than 10, 40k isn't....and, as you say, the larger units in 40k tend to have some way of ignoring or mitigating morale casualties. 

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Actually it looks like if you use more than one psyker, those might be the other good counter. If you can get off two smites, that should equal one dead wraith a turn. and they aren't half bad in combat, with T5 they might survive the Wraith's S5 and multi damage wounds. But preferably not right away. Best to get the smite off at 18" range maximum, then ensure that your psykers are bubble wrapped so that Wraiths will be forced to tie something in combat in their turn, enabling your psykers to get a second round of smite. 


typically I use two Rune Priests/Librarians on bikes to buff my army and occasionally smite tough units. But I believe the Dark Angel disciplines favors debuffs and that could work against Wraiths as well, seeing they don't have much source of rerolls.


And even outside of 15", Hellblasters have REALLY long range which is annoying. I'm not sure what you mean by movement penalty, they have two varieties one is Rapid fire and Assault. Both don't suffer when mobing unless you advanced with assault. For the long range one, a plasma cannon is far better, only losing out 1 AP.

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Movement penalty:  You don't get to reroll those ones, making it unsafe to overcharge.  And the 30" range of hellblasters is annoying if you're on the receiving end, but the points cost per shot is annoying if they're your hellblasters and they're at long range.

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