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It depends on what size of army you are aiming for and what proportion of Blood Angels vs Sororitas you are looking for. Celestine is a massive beat-stick so the simplest solution is to simply add a Patrol detachment consisting of her, 2 Geminae and a squad of Battle Sisters with some suitable weaponry (I like plasma but other flavours are available). That would give you the following detachment.

Sororitas Patrol (0 CPs)
258 HQ Celestine + 2 Geminae
71 Troop 5 Battle sisters with 2 plasma guns and a Sister Superior
329 points total

Assuming you are working towards a 2000 point army, that would leave you with 1671 points for your Blood Angels. Blood Angels are a CP-hungry force so I would recommend running 2 Battalions to feed your various stratagems which really raise Blood Angels from good to excellent.

For 2 Battalions you will need 6 Troops choices. I like Scouts and Intercessors better than Tactical squads as I find they are better value but you can mix 6 squads in any flavour you like. Below is a list I run and have had considerable success with. I have included Death Company for a couple of reasons: Firstly they are an iconic Blood Angel unit. Secondly, the list includes several units (including Celestine) who excel at taking out tough, high-value units. Death Company excel at chopping through hordes which will come in handy.

Blood Angels Battalion (+3 CPs)
129 HQ Captain (Warlord) with Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield Death Visions of Sanguinius, Artisan of War and Angel's Wing Relic jump pack
145 HQ Mephiston (Smite, Wings, Quickening, Unleash rage)

95 Troop 5 Intercessors with Grenade launcher and Seargent with Power sword
90 Troop 5 Tactical Marines with Missile Launcher
75 Troop 5 Tactical Marines with Heavy bolter

135 Fast 3 Inceptors with assault bolters
177 Fast 3 Inceptors with Plasma Exterminators

192 Heavy 7 devastators, 3 Lascannons, Plasma Cannon, Cherub

Blood Angels Battalion (+3 CPs)
129 HQ Lemartes
66 HQ Lieutenant with storm bolter and power sword

55 Troop 5 Scouts with bolt pistols and close combat weapons
55 Troop 5 Scouts with bolt pistols and close combat weapons
95 Troop 5 Intercessors with Grenade launcher and Seargent with Power sword

232 Elite 10 Death Company with Jump Packs, 2 Power Fists, 2 Power Swords

1670 Total

That gives you 1999 points with 8 CPs to spend during battle (1 being spent beforehand on "Death Visions" for the Captain). It also include 7 Troop units to taking objectives, plenty of mobility, plenty of firepower and plenty of close combat punch.

One thing it does not include is any vehicles. Firepower is infantry-based with heavy weaponry provided by the Devastators and Inceptors. Playing an all-infantry has the advantage that you can deny your opponent any high-value targets for things like Lascannons and melta guns.

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The "Choose Armies" section on page 214 of the rulebook will help you out here.


Also p238 - 244 of the advances rules if you wish to make them battleforged. 


As we are not allowed to tell you the rules directly, I suggest reading these sections, then coming back with any specific questions.


In short, you can take any models you want and put them on the table. If you take models all from the same faction, then you get some specific bonuses.


If you take specific formations of troops, then you get even more bonuses.






Karhedron provides a good way to do this, but might be a little over the head of someone new to the game. You need to read the rulebook sections I mention to understand how that army is constructed, and what that means. 

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Karhedron provides a good way to do this, but might be a little over the head of someone new to the game. You need to read the rulebook sections I mention to understand how that army is constructed, and what that means.

Yes, sorry. I do tend to go with both barrels blazing. :blush.:

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Just as an FYI, new plastic models for sisters of battle are coming in 2019. You may want to think about focusing on Blood Angels right now and then expanding into SoB when the new stuff comes out. 

Of course, you can buy and play whatever you want to. I just wanted to make sure a new player knew about new Sisters before diving into the old metal models and then getting surprised with the plastic models soon after. 

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thanks I understand, a bit, the points and detachements but lacking experience I could not make the choice of which units to play


for the sisters I found a nice conversion using third party heads with the sisters of silence bodies, it looks quite good

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thanks I understand, a bit, the points and detachements but lacking experience I could not make the choice of which units to play


In short, pick the units you like the most!


In non-matched play games, you just pick your favourites units up to an agreed power level and have at it.


If you want to play more equal games, then you use the matched play rules and point costs in the back of the codex. Even then, you can still pick whatever units you like, although you get special bonuses if:


1) all your models share a faction keyword (such as BLOOD ANGELS, or IMPERIUM)

2) all your unit selections correlate with one of the detachment types. 

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