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What to do with a Dread Saurian?

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Through a mix up with the post, I received a free Lizardman Dread Saurian. I am just starting a Night Lords army and although the Saurian looks incredible, I can’t seem to find a single use for it (aside from as a bookend).


I was hoping to pick the brains of the Chaos community as to what to do with this monster. My thoughts are that it’s too big to “count as” anything but I’m not sure. I had the thought to throw 3 pounds of modeling putty at it and glue all sorts of armor plating and futuristic weapons on it like an 80’s cartoon but the model is so damn valuable (more than a Chaos Knight!) that I feel I should get more use out of it, especially as a starting player on a budget.


My final thought was to trade it for something I could actually use but I haven’t been able to find any forums like that and I have no clue how to sell things on eBay.


I guess this is just a request from more experienced hobbyists on what they would do in my situation. Thanks.

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Ok, so giant chaos spawn is an option. Does anyone know if the two models have similar dimensions? Also, where would one find the rules for a giant chaos spawn? I only own the CSM codex.


The Gigantic Chaos Spawn is in the Forge World Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of Chaos. The Gigantic Chaos Spawn, from the pictures on the Forgeworld site, looks to be slightly shorter than the Dread Saurian.


But really, all you'd need to do is get the Dread Saurian onto a 100mm round base (that's what the Gigantic Chaos Spawn is on).

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My thoughts are that it’s too big to “count as” anything but I’m not sure. I had the thought to throw 3 pounds of modeling putty at it and glue all sorts of armor plating and futuristic weapons on it like an 80’s cartoon but the model is so damn valuable (more than a Chaos Knight!) that I feel I should get more use out of it, especially as a starting player on a budget.


My final thought was to trade it for something I could actually use but I haven’t been able to find any forums like that and I have no clue how to sell things on eBay.



I honestly thought making Dino Riders is absolutely the 100% right answer and have it counts-as a Chaos Knight.  If you've got the modeling skills or, if you don't have those skills yet, you WILL with proper planning & preparation before trying.  A new Imperial Knights Codex is coming soon and should cover Chaos Knights, so this might be very relevant soon.


(Sidenote - in the 1st ed of 40k, there WERE Lizardmen in the setting, known as the Slann.  They were the old-race-of-wise-people-that-know-their-time-has-come.  This giant lizard could be related to them.  The Forgeworld Horus Heresy (rule)books have a lot of little Easter Eggs to 1st ed of 40k, it's like a love letter to the old fans.  You show up to a game, some snarky dude smirks at you and sneers at that model, then you go, "Oh, I made this as an homage to the Slann, a reference to 1st ed Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader."  When he gives you a blank look, some old grognard in the back of your gaming store/club, who looked like he was just painting but has been listening the whole time, will pipe in, "Yup, that's an old school reference, way to stay true to the spirit of the game, stranger."  And those sneers will turn into nods of silent admiration, and then you'll know you've been welcomed into the tribe.)


Trading is also an option, and you don't have to use eBay.  You're entering The Hobby and in your area there will inevitably be some people playing the fantasy game Age of Sigmar.  I hate that game and even I got shanghai'd into painting up an army.  You might not trade online, but you might trade in person.  And it might not be cash-based, but barter-based, you might trade that Forgeworld dinosaur for some other Forgeworld models, etc.  This happens a lot in my meta, we buy something that was going to fit our army, but maybe rules change or some better option happens, it ends up not being painted and just sits in the back of a cupboard.  This is a good looking model, keep it unassembled and in the bag preferably, show up and see who in your area player plays the Lizardmen race.


But either way, this is a great gift from Forgeworld to you.

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Dino-Riders! That was the reference I was looking for. Unfortunately I don’t have an abundance of modeling skill. I just spent 2 hours greenstuffing plasma guns on to 3 Night Raptors so I think a Dino-rider is beyond my skill.


I think I’ll keep it disassembled until I can trade it locally or on here. Failing that, I’ll save it for a rainy week when I’m out of NLs to paint. I feel it’s more valuable to me as a possible trade item than as a Gigantic Chaos Spawn that I’ll occasionally use to fill out larger lists. Thanks guys, and if you have any more ideas, I’m all ears.

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Re too big to 'count-as'; 


Have you seen the size of the FW Greater Daemons? An'ggrath is over 9" tall.

No I don’t have much of a sense of scale yet for WH40k. If you can think of anything else around the same size as the Saurian please let me know. I would definitely be up for a large scale conversion after I have a chance to develop more advanced modeling skills.

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Having looked at the miniature, a corrupted Greater Knarloc might work.


You could take an Allied Detachment of Fallen Tau, run them as Renegades and Heretics with a Spawn/Beast.


Or just say that your Night Lord captured a Knarloc; put chains on it and model NL 'handlers'.

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Having looked at the miniature, a corrupted Greater Knarloc might work.


You could take an Allied Detachment of Fallen Tau, run them as Renegades and Heretics with a Spawn/Beast.


Or just say that your Night Lord captured a Knarloc; put chains on it and model NL 'handlers'.

I wouldn’t know how to organize that Army with a detachment of fallen tau and still keep my NL legion trait. And I’m just learning that I have to buy another book (Imperial Armour: Forces of Chaos) in addition to the rule book and codex I already purchased. Another question I have is that I see lists with Biker Lords but I can’t find it in my codex. Searching around leads me to believe I may need to buy yet another book: Index Chaos, in order to see the entirety of my army choices. Could anyone please clarify.


I’m aware that I ask a ton of questions but I’m very appreciative of the advice I have received after only 2 days as a member of B&C. Thanks guys/gals.

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The more I look at the model, the more I want to use it. I love the suggestion to use it as a tamed beast “counts as” Giant Chaos Spawn. I might want to take this concept a bit further by incorporating normal Chaos Spawn along side of it. Could anyone with a better sense of scale than I comment on wether a Carnosaur could be used as a Chaos Spawn.


I have this idea for my NL warband that they are prolific scavengers, using anything they can to fight the long war. The image of a captured dinosaur being used for breeding purposes in the depths of a starship is very appealing to me. It would be great if I could field the Dread Saurian and 1-3 Carnosaurs to represent mama Dino and a few baby Dino’s.


What slot does the Giant Chaos Spawn fill on the force org chart? I’m having some difficulties understanding the army composition and command point rules. Also, would the GCS need to be summoned or can he start the game on the table.


Again, thanks for all the help as I’m currently learning how to play by reading the books and watching battle reports. Still not sure about many rules.

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Carnosaurs are much, much bigger than regular Spawn, sadly. Saurus are in the right ballpark, if they even still exist.


A GCS can start on the table. I'll have to look up the other stuff. Bear with me.

Thank you for your continued assistance.

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