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Returning player questions!


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Hey guys, 
​I am returning to playing some 40k, I have been playing other games, but I haven't touched 40k since 5th edition. 

​I still have a bunch of my tac Marines, and I picked up the codex etc. I'm not trying to win tournaments, but I do like to play functional armies so I had some quick questions. 

​Are Intercessors ever worth it? I haven't seen any lists running them.

​Does anyone have any greenwing lists I could have a look at as an idea where to start with? 

​I might start a small blog updating progress of repainting my army/adding new units so you might see more of me around :)

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Hello and welcome to the forum as well as back to the hobby!


Intercessors are okay, and competitively priced. Plus, the models look good. Personally, I mostly ignore the Primaris fluff, but I like the sculpting on a lot of the new units.


You will find a bunch of more or less competitive lists in the army lists subforum, where people are usually happy to critique your own ideas as well.

I'm looking forward to seeing your painting log. :)

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I've posted a couple of brigade lists in the forum which work surprisingly well and have a lot of intercessors in them, with multiple wounds makes them pretty durable.


The lists have also allowed me to experiment with strategems, warlord traits and relics, problem being your normally always taking the CP battery warlord trait and some of the others are quite useful such as targeting characters and taking the relic 2 damage -1 storm bolter.


To convert them to mostly Greenwing split them into 2 battalions (2 hq's + 3 troops) gives you 9 CP's


My more hard nosed no friends list is green / raven stuffed full of plasma and assault cannons.

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