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FW Air Paints Sold Out! Please Help


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Hi everyone,


As some of you may have noticed the FW paint range has now mostly sold out, unfortunately I was bit late to the party and was unable to pick up the paints I need before they all disappeared. I had been using the clear blue (calth blue) and clear green (mortarion green) to paint my alphas and I was quite pleased with the results:










I've got a few pots of paint I had stocked up but it wont be enough to finish my army, especially with the imminent release of Alpharius! 


So I wanted to ask for two things:


-Firstly if anyone had any of the FW clear paints that I've been using just lying around that they weren't planning would they please consider selling them to me? If this applies to anyone please do drop me a pm.


-Seconds does anyone have any recommendations on any similar paints that I could use to try and achieve a consistent finish for the rest of my army? I know there are a few other ranges out there but if anyone has any experience using them compared to the FW ones I'd appreciate the advice.



Those that buy FW clear blue and clear green most likely themselves paint the alpha legion scheme with those paints and rather stock up on them since they are discontinued. I think you might consider that nobody will sell you their discontinued FW bottles and that you should look into using Tamiya.


The pigmentation of the FW clear blue and green might be different than the Tamiya ones. I'm using Tamiya for my Alpha legion army, and I mix 8:2 ration between blue and green. The Tamiya green is very dominant compared to the tamiya blue.


For you to get a teal hue with Tamiya that matches with your already painted army, I suggest the following:


Get four plastic disposable spoons and paint your regular AL armour scheme you've done so far on your army using FW clear blue and clear green on one of the spoons.


On the other three spoons and each of them you use the Tamiya blue and green clears with the following ratios (blue:green):7:3, 8:2 and 9:1 on each spoon. If you use the unofficial FW paint scheme then don't forget the "highlight" layer of chrome on top of the teal clear layer and then a final clear blue over the chrome.


Compare the Tamiya spoons with your FW clears spoon and from there you get an idea of which tamiya blue and green ratio matches your FW teal ratio you have been doing so far on your army. This way you get a more consistent paint scheme changing from FW clears to Tamiya clears so that the upcoming units painted with Tamiya matches your FW clears painted army.





Thanks for the response, I will probably do just that as a colour comparison. Out of interest are your alphas a similar tone to mine?


I did realise most people probably hoarded the paints the clear coats if they were using them on an army as I have been doing the same to an extent but I did wonder if some people may have bought the whole range when it was released or some to sample and probably wouldn't use the clear blue or green.

I did 8:2 ratio and mine look a bit more on the bluish tone compared to those on your pics, So these were taken in daylight. Do you do the chrome spray after clear coating and then do another thinned clear blue on top? Yours look pretty evenly teal all over the armour,


This is what mine look like:

IMG 5894

IMG 5892

IMG 5888

IMG 5886

IMG 5881

IMG 5879


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