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Hot Shot Lasguns


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has anybody done anything different with their hot shot lasguns. I really don't like the cables coming out. Not even gonna lie they look cool but there poses are boring and the cable guns and poses are boring. Just wanted more ideas. Pics are welcomed
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You can snip the cables off so they're just using the power pack if that helps?

I'll probably end up doing that. Trying to find out where there any variations of the gun.


Specially with the volley guns. I have to convert the flamers ( Ebay purchases, and scion bitz are rare and exspensive)

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Fluff or model variations? Lasguns in the lore can use charged power packs to hit with more power, at cost of ammunition (and reliability of the gun), hotshots are more or less fancier lasguns in that regard. As with lasguns there are different patterns, but you're out of luck model wise as all of the various Stormtrooper models have had a set gun. Volley guns didn't exist before these models, so they have less to go on.


I'm sure some clever work has been done to mod the weapons, but I'm afraid I don't know of any examples.

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Funnily enough, I found myself in a  bit of a similar boat recently - albeit for different reasons, pertaining to the serious difficulty of getting Scion arms with neophyte hybrid or regular Cadian bodies to play nice , if they were wielding a hellgun (or a hot-shot lasgun or whatever they are these days)- and especially with a power-cable running round the back, considerably limiting poseability [i tried *once* the somewhat more effort-intensive approach of rebuilding a cable-unit out of two donors so as to faciliate a slightly different pose. Wasn't particularly compelling, but it's doable]. 

So I went back to 'first principles' and basically asked myself how one would render something that was obviously functoinally equivalent to such a weapon ... without it necessarily being one. This is because I also wasn't intending on using the Scion back-mounted power-packs. 

That left two basic option-paths to go down. The first, quickly disregarded, was to jettison the power-cabling and replace with a somewhat larger power-pack in its place. Theoretically, one oculd simply use the connection element that's already there, simply sans cable, as has been suggetsed above .. but considering it's the size of an ordinary Lasgun powerpack, I felt that this would presumably mean the higher-power shots from a hellgun would chew through this magazine far too quickly for it to be practicable. This would leave a logical space for either one of the larger power-packs you usually see on a multi-laser or lascannon (or, for thta matter, that rather large heavy weapon the neophyte hybrids're carrying that's converted mining equipment] hanging vertically [which runs the risk of being a little *too* large possibly, although might work out looking a little like the box-mag on a veteran's specialist ammunition equipped bolter], or for something smaller than that yet still recognizeably a power-pack. 

The second option, however, was the more interesting to me - as well as being more visually distinctive and logical imo. I went back and looked at the hot-shot lasgun's characteristics ... and they're basically a reduced-range, reduced rate-of-fire, enhanced-penetration rifle. Which instantly suggested *solid* ammunition with some sort of penetrator head possibly composed of a heavy material, possibly fired semi-auto in a manner not entirely dissimilar to a vintage early 20th century/late 1800s bolt-action rifle. 

At this point I nearly typed up some rather in-depth commentary based on real-world ballistics to justify why a heavier round might have these characteristics in comparison to an autogun's slugs, rather than the more usual pattern of larger rounds having *greater* range ...  but I think we can safely save that for another time. [although in any case, the rather larger recoil of such a round being fired would presumably limit rate of fire and accuracy at range in comparison to an autogun anyway, even in the event of increases in propellant commensurate or more-than-commensurate to increases in bullet weight; and this is before we get into the relative ballistics compared to a beam of 'hard' light which mainly just has to worry about diffusion in battlefield conditions as an effective range limiter] [and yes, this *does* theoretically run into the obvious problem of hot-shot lasguns lacking stocks for some curious reason [i know light doesn't have recoil .. much .. [again, theoretical discussion about this notwithtsanding - it may actually produce such wasted energy, hence why lasgun fire is described as having a "crack" sound to it]], therefore potentially requiring either the addition of stocks ot hellguns OR the headcanoning that the cylindrical thing on the end of it where a stock *should* be is actually a rather advanced recoil-suppressor of some sci-fi technological provenance]

So where did *that* lead? Well, to be frank, to basically producing a sub-machinegun sized bolter that looked fit for regular human use. 


Very simple conversion - simply swapping a phobos pattern bolter muzzle [from the stacks I had lying around from Prospero], and a neophyte hybrid autogun's magazine, for the previous occupants of those places on the weapon. [it's probably important to note that the idea for this was sourced from some *beautiful* Inquisitorial acolytes I happened across on pinterest, done by a chap over on DakkaDakka. I've just replicated it with what i had to hand]

Now I've said for my [inq28] purposes, that it's a bolter .. but there's no reason why you couldn't run a squad of these as hot-shot lasguns. In fact, it'd make quite a bit of sense - a reduced size of munition as compared to a regular bolter, due to the smaller soldier firing it in comparison to a Marine .. thus leading to reduced recoil [yes, I know gyrojets aren't *supposed* to have much recoil .. but headcanon is that the gyrojet only kicks in once the bolt-shell's left the muzzle - with the reason we see all that lovely art of Marines blasting away and spraying casings everywehre being because there's an initial propellant charge to get it to that point that's rather 'conventional' except for its *massive* size..], but also reduced propellant [so shorter range] , and between that and the round's size, the reduced strength overall [and maybe instead of a heavy penetrator core, it's got an acid head or something]. 

Probably not a solution for everybody, but it'll cover your stated requirements - and is visually distinct from a 'regular' bolter [even a guard or sisters of silence one] enough not to fall *too* far afoul of WYSIWYG

Another possibility - and this is *not* my handiwork, but I really should give it a go sometime - would be something like this...


Which, if nothing else, at least answers the question of why Scions look like they've got bandoliers of shotgun cartridges :P Although I appreciate that meltaguns are not exactly plentiful to provide the base weapon for this. 

A *further* further possibility i've been considering hinges around mashing up neophyte hybrid autogun mags, barrels and/or muzzles with the main body of the hot-shot lasguns ; but haven't yet managed to prototype one of those yet.

It may also be possible to use the stub-guns [or, for that matter, their very similar shotgun counterparts) from the new Necromunda Orlocks for hot-shot lasguns, as they're recognizeaably shorter-ranged looking, reasonably powerful weapons - and to boot, their hand-coverings do have a certain hint of Operator Operating Operationally ballistic glove to them htat would fit well with Scions' special forces nature (if not, perhaps, *quite* some of the miniature aesthetic like the Renaissance style torso armour] 

Anyway, see if any o that fits the bill. 

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I cut the power cables off mine and they look good.


Also you can turn the big scope thingy into a good red dot/sight (not my work):




Wow those red dots do look dope. And I probably gonna cut the cables. Maybe the barrels a lil

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I cut mine as well. Considering that Scions are mobile shock troops that parachute into a combat zone, massive cables are a hinderance, which can be avoided. To me, power cables for Hellguns are the same as a belt feeder for an LMG, meaning it is for continuous fire. Considering that they mostly do hit and run tactics, short bursts of fire are all that is needed, especially with their Space Marine level BS. In between bursts, the gun can cool off.


The only gun I kept some sort of cabling is the hot shot volley gun. It is a man-portable heavy weapon that has an increasible rate of fire. This is where a belt feed is needed to justify the output.


Also, @Ryltar Thamior, you’re the man. I love it :thumbsup:

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There were four generations of Stromtrooper: the original 2E ones with berets, the Mark Bedford 3E ones, the 4E Kasrkin, and the 6E plastic Scions.


If we look at what the Hotshot Lasgun is, we see common features on most/all of the models. Basically, they are over-powered lasguns, and the overpowered shots reduces the number of shots that can be fired (drains the battery clip faster), and significantly increases wear on key components of the weapon (namely, the barrel). These drawbacks reduce the main advantages of the lasgun over other weapons that could be issued to the Guard, and is why they are therefore limited to specialised forces like the Stormtroopers.


All four iterations of the models feature backpacks with what look like big batteries on them, and all but the 3E ones have cables running to those backs. Two of the four models also have bigger barrels with thermal shrouds on them.


If you wanted to do away with the cables, but still make it clear that these were Hotshot Lasguns, then I think this gives you a few main features to look at: backpacks with batteries or charging points for spare clips, bigger battery clips on the guns, and longer/shrouded weapon barrels or heavier-looking gun casings.


The simplest option is to try the Scions with the cables just clipped off as others have suggested.


For something more alternative, I'd consider mating a lasgun and a bolter together, keeping the lasgun clip to show it's still a las weapon. This is a fairly cheap option that might help if you're planning to convert your Stormtroopers from plastic Cadians for example.

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