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FAQ for Raven Guard... yay nay or meh?

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My army won’t change a wit, but the initial deployment and overall tactics are going to be effected by affording more SftS. All Primaris and heavy on Captain HQs. Grav with Aggressors and Kestel <Shrike> with Inceptors with simple Captain in gunline with Intercessors and Hellblasters.


Now said simple Captain might be accompanying Hellblasters through the Shadows also. It will give two non-traditional points of Attack to come at my opponent from our to get an early fire base on objectives outside the deployment zone. This leaves the Chapter Master, Intercessors, and Reivers to reinforce where needed depending on the opponent commitments turn one.


Although, I might be looking at the points and seeing what else swapping out Intercessors for Aggressors might cost :)





“Fire without mercy. May your Gauntlets become red with the heat of Bolter fire Brothers.”

My Raptors are not feeling a hit from the FAQ...lucky me for playing all scouts :biggrin.: .  My Adepta Sororitas felt the FAQ little because they lose the Adeptus Ministorum section., but they are on hold until new models come out. My Deathwatch probably took it the worse. Only cause I lost the ability to take an Inquisitor as my HQ and now have to build a detachment around the Inquisition section...3 6 person Acolytes and 3 Jokaeros works for me. 


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