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Quick question on empiric channeling


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I had a very... heated, discussion, with some friends over this.


In favour of the use of the stratagem, is the fact that it says A psychic phase, not YOUR psychic phase. Also, that the wording for additional can be argued to be "In your opponent's psychic phase you are allowed 0 castings, so an additional one would put you at 1 casting", as nothing in the rulebook states, directly or indirectly, that you must have a minimum of 1 of something for an "additional" of that something to apply. Finally, the fact that there is no actual solution that negates this tactic in the book, or designer notes, that we could find.


Against it are the fact that it seems to go against the spirit of the rules. Also, that you would indeed need to be able to do atleast 1 of X to get additional X. Finally, that there are stratagems that can be activated outside your turn, that directly state that they can be used in such a way, which would imply that the general rule of the game would be that you cannot do that, unless directly stated otherwise.

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