Golf33 Posted July 8, 2018 Share Posted July 8, 2018 Can you put your hands on any Ork Boyz sprues, or even just a couple of bits of Evergreen tube? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted July 9, 2018 Author Share Posted July 9, 2018 Well it does seem that since I've found no trace of the bitz in question I have to use some Boyz big shoota models, yeah. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted July 21, 2018 Author Share Posted July 21, 2018 As an indication of at least some progress having been made, here's the finished Burna-Bommer. Warhead01 and Mithrilforge 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted July 24, 2018 Author Share Posted July 24, 2018 Full vow completion for "posterity": Chainsaw89, Wolf Lord Duregar, battle captain corpus and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted September 11, 2018 Author Share Posted September 11, 2018 Finally doing at least a bit of something after not having worked on any models since the ETL. Working on two Loota models. And as it turns out I found out just after I started on them that there's apparently a Kill Team campaign starting tomorrow. A bit short notice but not a big deal, better that than missing out altogether. So, I figured I'd go with my orks as I have just about the correct number of models painted after I finish the Lootas, while I don't have enough Guard lasguns painted and Sisters don't have KT rules yet. No painted skitarii or Deathwatch yet. And other marines... nah, played the last two 40k matches with them. With Orks I'll likely be the only ork team, not that there's apparently many players anyway.The only model I'll need to paint for the team after the Lootas is a single Gretchin. No idea if my team's gonna be any good, but regardless getting to put them onto a gaming table's progress anyway. The last time I played with orks was late 2012 or early 2013, fully unpainted. I do have to use a regular Nob as a Kommando Nob as well, but no biggie with that either.The full list's gonna be a klaw nob leader, klaw kommando nob and the two lootas as specialists, a gretchin, six choppa boys and a big shoota boy gunner as the "troops". Warhead01 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted September 11, 2018 Author Share Posted September 11, 2018 (edited) Victory! Vostroyans were defeat on the second round. Actually played a third round since we didn't realize one side failing the leadership test ends the game if the other doesn't fail also - I didn't even have to do the test, one more wound/death and would've had to!I had some Gork-(or perhaps Mork-)awful luck with the "flesh wound" rolls. So on the first round I ended up with having done 7 flesh wounds and only one kill  The enemy's grenade launcher even took two flesh wounds, having killed one of my boyz on the first turn and then killing another with overwatch on the second  Well, luckily the flesh wounds counted for the leadership test. By comparison after the two turns I had 5 "dead" and one flesh wound.We were both first-timers with Kill Team so rules weren't exactly used to the best effect. Heck, I even forgot to add in the extra attack for my Combat-Nob's specialization. One downside was not realizing to use the CP abilities for the specialists for extra XP. Only used the one for 2CP where you get to strike first in melee. Not a huge surprise that I did most of the damage in melee, two models already got the charge on the first turn despite me going first. Heavy-specced Loota caused the two flesh wounds on the grenade launcher and I think the other one killed a flamer guy. Both on the first turn, on the other two turns they did a grand total of nothing. Edited September 11, 2018 by tvih Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted September 16, 2018 Author Share Posted September 16, 2018 Currently working on a sizeable batch of mass production orks. Boyz, two more lootas, a burna, a trio of nobz. My current plan of action is to try and get all the ork infantry done to a level where their skin, head and weapons are painted. After that's achieved - or at least for enough models to fill my intended first 8th edition ork list - I could then start going through them again to paint the armor/clothes/gubbinz. I figure the half-painted models won't look that terrible if I decide to go to the next 40k 8th (rather than KT) gaming day with the orks, but that remains to be seen I guess. It seems the next one will likely be within the next month (the previous one having been in the spring - so lovely in their frequency...) - so if it ends up being prior to the new codex release, I'll probably go with my 'umies so that I don't have to start poring through the Index Ork rules further for the sake of what is probably gonna be a single game (given how long my games always seem to take, even that frickin' KT game was at least a good 2 hours too). Warsmith Uveron and toaae 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted September 22, 2018 Author Share Posted September 22, 2018 (edited) Another Kill Team today. There were some rules issues from the last match so we deemed those matches as practise and decided this is the first match for the actual campaign. I ended up against Skitarii. My roster dropped the lootas, boy gunner and grot from the previous game and added a burna, a loota spanner with big shoota, and two choppa boyz. View of the table at the end of my movement in turn 1 (I went first): I was basically leading the match from the start. i won all the initiative rolls. The opponent already got gimped by a tablewide -1 to hit for shooting for the terrain roll. He was the defender, I was the attacker. I simply marched over the table at his lines. On turn 1 one Boy even managed a charge at the right edge against some melee specialist of his. He counter-charged with his leader. Bad plan, as I whacked the 1W leader with the Boy. He was in turn killed by th specialist. Those were the only casualties of turn 1 I think, though I did cause one flesh wound via shooting. I destroyed two objectives. Having to use CP for those actions was quite annoying.On turn 2 Nob, Loota, and a few Boyz at least made their charges. When the dust settled I had lost two Boyz that turn and he lost... maybe 2, plus a flesh wound? I destroyed another two objectives.At this point I had apparently already secured enough points to win the game, but we played the third round regardless. Nob charged and slew the enemy melee specialist who had now killed two Boyz already. Two boyz tried to charge a radium carbine dude, but magically he killed both via overwatch. Jeez. Then that dude charged my loota. Luckily the loota who was already in combat with a different model made him see the error of his ways by killing the radium dude. Next to him a Boy charged and killed a plasma dude. Another boy killed a model that was wounded in the first turn in close combat and had saved his nerve test twice due to having equipment giving reroll for it. But in turn the boy was killed by a wounded arquebus dude that i had been trying to kill since round 1. Alas, said arquebus was his only model still standing at the end of the round (and game). I lost a total of 6 boyz, so didn't even reach break test (12 models total). Edited September 22, 2018 by tvih Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted October 11, 2018 Author Share Posted October 11, 2018 And looks like we're back. Just yesterday more Kill Team with Orks, with a very close win against Chaos Marines and in the end a close loss - despite a terrible start - against Eldar. In the latter I managed to pass two break tests only to fail on the third while the opponent succeeded (it was his first). Might've had a better chance if I had not forgotten what the specialty on my Burna boy was - it was Veteran, but he spent two turns panicked due to supposedly failing a nerve test that he actually wouldn't have failed with the specialty in mind. Oh well!But so far I must say that the injury rolls really are my true enemy in Kill Team. For example trying to kill the CSM leader with a power klaw, I got three zeroes for the injury rolls. The enemy boss survived until the end of the match, unlike mine (RIP). Against Eldar boss it was the same thing, except I spent 3CP to reroll the three dice to finally get the sixth roll be higher than 3. And then the opponent countered the death with a 2CP thing which made him only take a flesh wound after all, so I had to put another three klaw attacks his way with my specialist Nob to finally put him down In the meanwhile for my own models I'm still taking 2-3 out of action results for every flesh wound I take. Warhead01 and librisrouge 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted October 17, 2018 Author Share Posted October 17, 2018 (edited) I've been slowly working on a Kromlech "Mech-Boss" (Big Mek in Mega-Armour) the past few days. Interesting miniature, and I believe my first 3rd party one for 40k I think. It seems quite nice otherwise, lots of detail etc. Just that it's HUGE. It's more of a Meknaught, really, which doesn't really match up with the statline even if fluffwise you want to consider him having replaced his biology with cybernetics, Iron Hands style. Still, not such a big deal I guess. Â Anyway, working on that also got me to go make other acquisitions at the FLGS... today I finally got a box of Meganobz and Stormboyz. I've been wanting both of those since I first saw 'em six years ago (third such unit being Flash Gitz, passed it for now due to price vs other things to buy).A nice thing in 8th is that more than one unit can go to the same transport, so the three Meganobz can share a transport with regular Nobz for example, don't necessarily need a big unit of Meganobz (though I may buy a second kit at some point if the current ones work decently on the table, for just model "collecting" purposes 3 is "enough") to justify buying a transport for them. I'm putting the Meganobz in front of in my paint queue. Assembled them today and probably gonna start painting tomorrow. Will try to finish them, too, and then work more on the "Mech Boss" - right now it's basecoated and the scenic base is finished. I do need to find my frickin' magnets to magnetize the Meganob arms, though. The magnets always manage to go AWOL.The Stormboyz are trickier, 5 isn't really gonna make much of an impact on the table. For collecting it works again of course. But having a full unit of 30 would be nice for sure, other than for the effort of painting I guess! Oh well, some day. The upcoming Ork releases and eventual Sisters releases - never mind all my other hobbies - are gonna keep me in bankruptcy for the foreseeable future. Edited October 17, 2018 by tvih Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted October 18, 2018 Share Posted October 18, 2018 Yea man, these look really old school, 2nd ed black and red. Keep going! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted October 21, 2018 Author Share Posted October 21, 2018 Of course things haven't been progressing as planned. Took an entire day to paint a single meganob, then a couple of days to paint the Kromlech mega-big mek. Today working a stormboy. Slow going. I'll post a pic of the trio once I get the stormboy done. I really dig these stormboy models, nicer in person than in pics. Although in turn not liking the meganobz as much as I thought I would and kinda wish I'd just have ordered more stormboyz instead. And I wish all the arms weren't the same position. Ah well. Maybe if/when I can wreck some stuff with them on the table they'll feel nicer  I was also just looking at the klan taktiks and warlord traits. Evil Sunz and Blood Axes are looking pretty sweet. Red being my secondary color I guess if I wanted to at least somehow resemble what I'm playing as that'd be Evil Sunz out of those two. Although most of the red on my orks is Wazdakka red, not Evil Sunz red - HA!  Of course, in practise being a custom scheme I can pick whatever I want anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted October 21, 2018 Author Share Posted October 21, 2018 Right, the pics: As you can indeed see, the Big Mek is indeed dread-size. A very nice model otherwise! And here's the Stormboy, it goes quite high in my list of favorite models so far (regardless of army): Warhead01, brettfp and Magos Takatus 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magos Takatus Posted October 21, 2018 Share Posted October 21, 2018 Yeah, Stormboyz are ace. I've got a stack of them to paint up in the future to join my existing mob. That Kromlech model is indeed pretty chunky. I like it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted October 23, 2018 Author Share Posted October 23, 2018 Done with the Meganobz. Now probably the remaining stormboyz, and then gotta try to mass-paint the rest of the boyz to the point where their skin, heads and weapons are painted before the Codex lands. That's enough done that I can justify using them on the table already while working to finish the armor/clothes.I was actually counting that I should have 2k list soon using the current points values, however judging by power level drops it may be quite untrue in the new codex. Nobz, Meganobz, Trukks etc etc etc are all going noticeably lower in PL. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted November 3, 2018 Author Share Posted November 3, 2018 Codex acquired. I think this is the first ever codex I get on release day! Also ended up getting the wartrike after all. Probably won't be able to put it together for tomorrow's first test game(s) because I need to paint three nob bikes and a few other things, but we shall see. Â Also one of the first things I noticed browsing the codex is that Nobz can have two melee weapons now. Looks like I gotta do some arm swaps - bye bye sluggas, hello choppas! Double choppa nobz get 5 attacks, and big choppa and klaw nobz still get one additional attack. Very nice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted November 4, 2018 Author Share Posted November 4, 2018 Bah, was supposed to have the first game today, but I couldn't get some of the models in a good enough shape in time to drag them to the gaming location. Well, hopefully within the next week.Although in other news, I did play two kill team games again yesterday. Won against skitarii and chaos marines, first matches in a new campaign. The chaos match was quite nutty. Map modifier had all ruins as dangerous terrain, and the ruins we had with their basings covered probably 80% of the map. In addition both of us chose to place traps in the scouting phase Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted November 6, 2018 Author Share Posted November 6, 2018 After 5 hours preparing/gluing and probably close to 10 hours painting, the Wartrike of Warboss Tharrk Toofrippa (and of course his "sidekick", Burrgok Boarsnout), is finally about 99% done: In other "news", another kill team game. This time, a loss against the chaos marine player that I've won against twice, so I guess fair's fair in that sense. Although it was a bit annoying, I did everything "right" but the dice just weren't agreeable. Given the small scale of the game even a single die roll can really mess things up. Ended up losing due to my team breaking after two rounds because I was basically losing combats due to not getting wounds through. In two turns I must've caused about 15 wounds, but only two of those went through his 3+ saves. And both wounds were to the same model, which died from the second one. In the meanwhile I had two models dead and five had a flesh wound. Given I had all my models in combat I still could've won if not for the failed leadership test. Similarly perhaps if my loota hadn't missed both of his shots at BS4+ against the enemy heavy bolter, I wouldn't have lost both loota to his return fire as well as take a flesh wound on my big shoota spanner comms dude. Pfft. Mithrilforge, Dr_Ruminahui, Wolf Lord Duregar and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted November 8, 2018 Author Share Posted November 8, 2018 By the way, while it might be hard to judge from the photos given differing lighting, that wartrike is the first I've posted here with my slightly improved skin painting scheme. I added a final layer of Moot Green drybrush on the skin. It makes it look more lighter and more lively and gives some added contrast overall. And only adds maybe a 2-5 of minutes of extra painting time to regular boyz/nobz, which is next to nothing considering the time the entire model takes. Well worth the additional effort. I'm just now going through my boyz who have the first two skin layers and some of them also weapons done, and adding the drybrushing. Also did it to my bikers just now. It's slightly slower to add to fully painted miniatures since I have to be more careful not to make a mess. Warhead01 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted November 9, 2018 Share Posted November 9, 2018 I wanted to say, the skin looks fantastic. I like the contrast between the recesses and the top, as well as how it pops compared to the rest of the model. Looking good, tvih! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
01RTB01 Posted November 9, 2018 Share Posted November 9, 2018 What's your full skin recipe please? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted November 9, 2018 Share Posted November 9, 2018 What's your full skin recipe please?  I'd be keen to know also, that's a nice vibrant green, but not overpowering. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted November 9, 2018 Author Share Posted November 9, 2018 The skin is black basecoat, Waaagh Flesh undercoat, Warboss Green on all but recesses, and Moot Green drybrush. At my painting speed it takes a while, your mileage may vary. Also in the Wartrike pic the skin looks perhaps a bit yellowish due to the color balance of the photo being a bit off. Of course if you wanted it to actually be yellowish, I imagine adding a touch of yellow to the paint mix with which you do the drybrush stage would do the trick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted November 9, 2018 Author Share Posted November 9, 2018 This should hopefully be a better representation of the skin tone: Mithrilforge, Dumah and Zebulon 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted December 11, 2018 Author Share Posted December 11, 2018 The Waaagh expands even while I still haven't even gotten a test game in with the new codex. As is I bought a Mek Gun (just the one, as I'm lame) and a box of grots. Also ordered a second grot box (as they only had one on the shelf), a weirdboy and tankbustas. I now have a brigade planned for when the models all arrive. The troop situation is quite sad though, three grot squads with 12 grots each (extra two grots each will be repurposed ones from the mek gun kit), one 10-man boyz squad and two 20 boys+nob squads. Â But I'm finally gonna try to get a test game done next week, naturally it won't be this brigade since I won't have lal the stuff for it. Mithrilforge 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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