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Bikes as wrap


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With the change to first turn deep strike, has anyone considered using bikes as wrap?


They present a versatile force that can reposition much better than scouts, closing the gap should the enemy drop turn 1. They have a 3+ save, a T5, gets grim resolve, a much larger area of coverage, and can do a 20/40 bolter volley at max size with storm bolter sgt and attack bike as a defensive line.


A 10 man scout squad can go as cheap as 110 pts while a max bike squad goes for 292, (cheaper if you go for scout bikes) but does that make the idea entirely unviable?


I wonder....

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I can get 5 x 5 man scout squads for the cost of that 1 unit that can deny my entire deployment zone with proper set up. Bikes are not worth it for bubble wrap.

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But those 25 scouts are easy pickings, and do little to hold their ground. Plus, have a hard time repositioning around once the enemy has shown its true positioning.


They are cheap and unlock more CP. Are also split into 5 targets which dwindles enemy fire. That much is true.


But, they are 275 points, while, for instance, a 227 point Scout Bike squad of 9 bikes has better survivability. It is 18 wounds at T5, with the same 4+ save, can reposition 16" inches base, and fire 40 shots at the same BS3+. With quite an impresive spread, to cover your line from deepstrikes.


I don't think they are such a no-go...

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But those 25 scouts are easy pickings, and do little to hold their ground. Plus, have a hard time repositioning around once the enemy has shown its true positioning.


They are cheap and unlock more CP. Are also split into 5 targets which dwindles enemy fire. That much is true.


But, they are 275 points, while, for instance, a 227 point Scout Bike squad of 9 bikes has better survivability. It is 18 wounds at T5, with the same 4+ save, can reposition 16" inches base, and fire 40 shots at the same BS3+. With quite an impresive spread, to cover your line from deepstrikes.


I don't think they are such a no-go...


If you set the Scouts up correctly with LOS blocking. in terrain etc they are not so easy pickings. Bikes are also easy pickings vs the multitude of Damage 2 weapons that are available to every army. 5 x 5 man scout squads are more durable in most cases because they are not all in one place and may not be in range because they would all be spread out. A Volley of Heav Burst Cannons, Auto Cannons, Disintegrator Cannons, Reaper Launchers etc etc kill your more expensive scout bike the same as a 1 wound Scout in cover.


It is easier to focus fire and kill one unit no matter what unit it is than many individual units even with splitting fire. If you have a wrapping unit that will just need 1 turn worth of shooting to clear so they can assault you turn 2, your opponent will deploy his other units defensively to counter that. Your bikes ability to redeploy using their speed is moot when they are all dead.


With the new FAQ changes with reserves coming in from Turn 2 multiple layers of bubble wrap will be more important because you need to predict where you will need to move turn 2. When your only wrap unit is an expensive 9 man bike squad that your opponent has all of first turn to kill its not going to end well. Avoiding damage by LOS blocking is always better than making sure your units seem useful in all areas.


Scouts may not move as fast as bikes but your average Move + Advance is 9" which is decent. Combine that with the fact that Scouts are Obsec and there are more units for redundancy to hold objectives as they die, they are the solid choice.


Bubble wrapping is about stopping your opponent charging you with assault units or getting into effective range of short range anti tank weapons. If your army cannot survive a game from these two things without appropriate bubble wrap then you need to really math out what your bubble wrap will do for you.


At the end of the day not moving your army from your deployment zone to keep the bubble wrap intact whilst being out of LOS from your opponent until he brings down all his reserve units is a winning strategy. If your opponent can't kill your units they aren't scoring points either and it will be all about the late game which forces Alpha Strike armies to make mistakes that you can take advantage of.

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I agree with each of you- scouts are still necessary because they are cheap and push the enemy back.  Screen replacements for turn two are also important to fill gaps in coverage once a scout squad is destroyed, and that is where a fast, fairly cheap unit is helpful, ie a small scout bike squad.  I wouldn't take any more than the minimum of 3 to keep it from becoming too big a target, and only 1 squad.  All it has to do it plug gaps until enemy deepstrikers arrive.

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I agree with each of you- scouts are still necessary because they are cheap and push the enemy back.  Screen replacements for turn two are also important to fill gaps in coverage once a scout squad is destroyed, and that is where a fast, fairly cheap unit is helpful, ie a small scout bike squad.  I wouldn't take any more than the minimum of 3 to keep it from becoming too big a target, and only 1 squad.  All it has to do it plug gaps until enemy deepstrikers arrive.


Fast Bikes to plug gaps for sure. I would definitely get behind that. But I wouldn't use your more expensive bikes over scouts to act as your main screening/bubble wrap units.

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Bikes won't cut it as wrap, some armies can still bring forward pressure and you need scouts to deal with that.  Think Alpha Legion, Ravenguard, units that have the ability to move pregame like Sisters of battle Dominions, Necrons with the Deciever.  If you have no scouts then your bikes are open to a turn 1 blitz.

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