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Should I return my 40 Scions?


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So I recently ordered 40 Scions. They are all still in their sealed boxes, I could send them back.

The reason for my doubts about this purchase is the deep strike beta rule. Yes it is a beta rule, and it may not be adopted. My local community is almost 50/50 split about it.

But I expect a lot of tournaments will adopt it like they did with the last set of beta rules. And come December it is likely to be part of the next Chapter Approved. I'm hardly a power gamer who just spams the best unit to win at all cost. Hell, I started playing Guard in 7th. But GW's recent policy of nerfhammering entire lists into the ground gives me great concern. 

What I'm saying is, I'm just not sure I want to spend 200 bucks on something the may not be competitively viable anymore from one day to the next.

And I only have till tomorrow to make a decision.

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40 Scions is a large force


At least from my perspective the deep strike rule won't penalise my Scions too much.

I generally run them in 5 man squads, which on 25mm bases means they can usually find a spot

I prefer not to deep strike in until T2/3 anyhow so limited issues with the rules whether or not they're accepted


It depends on how you had intended on using them? I probably wouldn't get rid of all of them 

Better to do it while theyre still in the wrapping though ;) 

No, I just wanted some mobility and flexibility to the rather static gunline playstyle of your typical guard army, while also adding some competitive units to my collection. 40 Scions is 600 points, one battalion, it's hardly spam (I would probably only use 30-35 max in one game, bought some spare for weapon options).

I quite frankly feel worried about any large purchase suddenly getting invalidated. My brand new Blood Angels army won't work anymore, the Scions I just bought get hit with the nerf bat. Maybe I'll get some Custodes Jetbikes before they double in points come december...

If you're playing games that are more than "Can I kill you before you kill me", then your purchase should be just fine. Even if you're going for a semi-competitive list, the DS nerf doesn't kill your Scions one bit. Just plays them differently.


They can help a lot with objectives and with mission clearing still, and all you have to do to get in someone's face with DS is not do it turn 1. Should be plenty viable to have great games.

I agree with Mileposter. The nerf for DS is hardly a nerf, especially for pure guard where scions bring more to the army th drop plasma. It seem like your plan was to just spam drop first turn and take out high priority targets. If you feel that's all scions are good for then yea return them. If you feel they're a good Swiss army knife unit then keep 'em.

The new Deepstrike Rule is a beta Rule.

And i think the final rule will be changed a lot from the current stat because of the trouble this makes now.

I mean GKs are destroyed by it as much as Blood Angels,tyranids and so on.


Just keep them and if the final deep strike rule will be still such a hard nerf to Deepstrikers just sell them;)

I'd keep them just because they are cool, but even if you drop them in your deployment zone they still have range to shoot.  If nothing is in range, wait till turn 2.  The way the rules keep changing I wouldn't base the decision on performance too much.

I would keep them. I don't remember exactly how the kit works, but the extra bodies would make it easier to build more of the special weapons along with the HQ and command squad options.  Get those 8 plasma gunners up asap. In the plasma meta, that gun and arm bit costs like 20% of the kit.

Scions are also our only good veteran troops. First turn deep strike was the exception and not the rule last edition so, I don't see how much changes. Also, as stated, these beta rules are almost exclusively for matched play, and have no bearing on open play and narrative play (which are both casual formats). 

Do you like the look of your 40 Scions?


Are they ONLY good as a result of the old deep-strike rules or can they be put to good use in other ways?


Will you get back what you paid for them?


If it was me and I liked the look of them, had already paid for them and they were sitting in my hoard, then I'd keep them.


If you bought them for a specific reason (that has been nerfed) and you don't have another plan for them, then think about returning them, assuming that you can get what you paid for them back.


... They'd look great in a Stormlord though, wouldn't they? :)

I think I'll keep 20 or 30 for now.

Still, sweeping rules changes that potentially invalidate entire lists - legit and fluffy lists that don't just spam an overpowered unit or abuse certain rules interactions - are not how you make happy customers.

It's one thing for a computer game designer to overnerf some gun/gear/spell. Players will just use something different. With a tabletop people bought those miniatures for hundreds of whatever your currency is. That's not cool, and it will make me think a lot harder about future purchases.

Thanks for your input guys. Just had to vent a bit.

Rule of 3 doesn't apply to troops.



No, but it does severely limit your options in terms of what you can use those last 2 squads as and the fact that you'll have no Tempestor Prime to go with them.



Also, it’s a tournament rule and he said he’s not using them for that.


Except that he specifically referenced tournaments.  :confused:


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