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Rough Riders -> Rough Bikers?


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So I'm interested in having some Rough Riders, but I hate the idea of having calvary in a 40k army, let alone the Imperial Guard who are renowned for tanks.


I have seen some amazing conversions where people use either Space Marine bikes or bikes from another place and use cadian bodies on them. I think the Space Marine bikes are a bit too big for mere men so I was looking around for alternatives.


Does anyone have any experience with doing anything like this?


I have found the following models from Ramshackle Games which look promising, although I have no idea how they are assembled and so do not know if they will easily be convertible:



This guy is on a bike and is already equipped with a lance.


Scrambler Bike (with legs)

Similar bike as above but just legs so I can easily attach a torso and arms.


Quad bike (with legs)

The quad bike looks nice and as above should be easy to attach a torso to.



I just have no idea what to do with a lance for the ones that don't have one, stick a cocktail stick to the bike?




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So I have double checked and you should get 2 sets of handlebar grips... 1 set with hands, 1 set without hands per bike.


I can't tell or remember which arms I used but I did not have any problems finding suitable ones in my bits box so as long as you have a collection of different ones you should be able to find some that fit. Some are bent elbow and some are reasonably straight. They all seem to have pauldrons so that would count out vehicle crewman arms.


Sorry I can't be more help...  :(


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