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Cadian Deployment


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I'm wondering how to deploy my Cadians on the battlefield.


I'm a fan of lots of troops, tanks, and artillery!



While the obvious deployment is artillery at the rear behind some convenient terrain, tanks in the middle, troops up front and protecting deepstrikers/flyers.


Troopwise, If i'm fielding:

  • Castellan Creed/Company Commander with Superior Tactical Training
  • Company Commander with Laurels of Command (if not stacking with CC above)
  • Command Squad with regimental standard & vox caster
  • Commissar


I'm guessing I want these positioned behind a couple of infantry squads as they're fragile. But then they can't really get a good line of sight on anything.

I think you want some troops up ahead with flamers and voxcasters to get the 18" order range, with some stationary troops with HWTs next to the guy with STT so they can overhear his orders. Thoughts?


Do you have enough Voice of Command characters for every unit?



Also, as I'll be fighting Chaos quite regularly, it's tempting to huddle all my units together to get the most benefit out of Relic of Lost Cadia, but is this a bad idea?

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Officers do not need line of sight really so hide them anywhere. You need a cheap infantry screen, ideally in a double layer, up front. You do not need a 1:1 ratio with orders, as your squads will die much quicker than the officers.

Relic of Cadia is amazing and along with a couple of stratagems it makes Guard (and esp. Cadia) brutal against Chaos. Deploy accordingly, just make sure your screen absorbs the rare but still possible turn 1 charges.

Extra: you'll need a mobile force for objectives. Reserve some pts for e.g. mechanized squads, and consider using a more suited doctrine for that (ie Catachan, Tallarn).


[edited: weird double post]

You need a cheap infantry screen, ideally in a double layer, up front. 


How does layering work?


Wouldn't the front layer block Line of Sight to the back layer?  I guess I could get picky with a laser pointer!


or do we layer them in a zigzag formation?





Random thoughts thrown together:


Hide your characters out of Los. (Tanks are great at this)

Identify which of your tanks you will be relying on for primary damage - this will likely vary depending on your opponent. Deploy those tanks at the back / more screened or out of LOS. Identify which tanks are great by not as important to your victory in this match. Deploy them in more tempting positions to bait enemy anti tank fire.


Depending on list, matchup, and terrain, this may mean putting your artillery where it can get shot at, and that is okay. Ymmv, but I find an 8e alpha strike destroys 4-500 pts worth of models. You cannot always control the amount that dies, but you can often direct -what- gets killed ;)


If fighting jump troops, don’t leave space for them to land between your last screen and your tank. If fighting deepstrike non-jump or infiltrating troops, keep 2 layers of screen (if possible) with tha front screen more than 7” from your tanks - many units can double-activate in the fight phase.


You don’t need to order all of your infantry, esp as your commanders are likely to be the last one to die. Unless you are fighting Celestine, in which case wrap them, or they die first.


Don’t let the relic of Cadia get sniped out! (Not by literal snipers, chaos doesn’t have them, but you know what I mean.) :p

Nice pictures. Do you not get Line of Sight issues with the massive blob with the first picture though?



Random thoughts thrown together:

Hide your characters out of Los. (Tanks are great at this)
Identify which of your tanks you will be relying on for primary damage - this will likely vary depending on your opponent. Deploy those tanks at the back / more screened or out of LOS. Identify which tanks are great by not as important to your victory in this match. Deploy them in more tempting positions to bait enemy anti tank fire.

Depending on list, matchup, and terrain, this may mean putting your artillery where it can get shot at, and that is okay. Ymmv, but I find an 8e alpha strike destroys 4-500 pts worth of models. You cannot always control the amount that dies, but you can often direct -what- gets killed :wink:

If fighting jump troops, don’t leave space for them to land between your last screen and your tank. If fighting deepstrike non-jump or infiltrating troops, keep 2 layers of screen (if possible) with tha front screen more than 7” from your tanks - many units can double-activate in the fight phase.

You don’t need to order all of your infantry, esp as your commanders are likely to be the last one to die. Unless you are fighting Celestine, in which case wrap them, or they die first.

Don’t let the relic of Cadia get sniped out! (Not by literal snipers, chaos doesn’t have them, but you know what I mean.) :tongue.:


Oh I don't know about that... I like my artillery to be safely behind some mountains :smile.:

Currently looking at 1k point games, and tanks will be a bit limited in that, maybe I could divert their attention with a hellhound at the front.


Not fighting Celestine no.... but fighting Magnus which may be worse!


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