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How long does it take to paint Cadian Shock Troops?


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But for cadians the gun is attached to the right arm anyway? It makes it a nightmare to paint their chest armour otherwise.



I remember my old (15yr+) catachans had separate guns. Though the arms had the gun stock so I think you had to clip part of the gun off to actually attach it?



Sorry, I remember painting my marines without the bolters and attaching them separate.  My Preatorians are all solid metal.  If you can't not paint the gun separate then do the best you can.

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Yeah I haven’t played in the last 16/17 years. Apparently he died in that time but I thought he could be a stand in for Creed or at least a company commander so stripped off his old paint job and repainted him.


There are some good models in Colonol Shaeffers Last chancers that will make decent commanders too which may be up next!

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As others have said, it varies dependant on your choice of colour scheme and your ability as a painter.

I consider myself fairly fast and can do a squad of 10 from priming to complete in about 7 evenings of 2-3 hours so give or take 18 hours for 10 models - but I do tend to make things difficult for myself by having chosen camouflage as a scheme :(


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I use the urban camo scheme from the old city fight codex. ( shadow grey, black, white). It takes me 30 minutes a squad .

30 mins?! I'd be happy if I could do 10 guys in 2 hrs and I don't even do camo scheme! That's quite a feat of painting!

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But for cadians the gun is attached to the right arm anyway? It makes it a nightmare to paint their chest armour otherwise.



No offence but... You sir are a maniac! Does it really matter as long as you'll never see that piece of a model?

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But for cadians the gun is attached to the right arm anyway? It makes it a nightmare to paint their chest armour otherwise.


No offence but... You sir are a maniac! Does it really matter as long as you'll never see that piece of a model?

I am slightly ocd :p

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