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Crusaders and Priest


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Do any of you guys use these units. I thought about to maybe fill in some points and I have a CC inquisitor so I thought crusaders would be cool. Any opinions on them. And has anybody kitbashed crusaders. I don't like the models and bought some Runewars Minatures Daqan Spearmen to do some conversions but I'm second guessing. And thought maybe since my inquisitor was mainly built from a storm eternal that my crusaders could be too but not to sure.
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I have brought them a couple times, and they have been bullet magnets. Last game against some DE i had 8 of em with a priest, they failed a charge and were promptly shot off the board from massed small armed fire. I had the +1 save cast on them from a nearby Astropath for  2+ save. Since they are 1W, you want to stay away from any high dakka units unless you know you can tie them up in combat. Delivery is important, i recommend a Valkyrie in hover mode for an almost guaranteed turn 2 charge: Deploy in your zone turn 1. Turn 2 go to hover mode, move 19.9 inches, disembark 9 inches away, move 6 then charge (3 inch charge). I ran em with Coteaz with terrify to negate over-watch. I am building my 10 man unit right now, so i will make a thread about the build soon.

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I use them regularly, i've got a squad in my tournament list for this weekend coming.  I use 10 with a priest and primaris psyker with a Valkyrie delivery system. 


You can pull off first turn charges easily, if the valk survives turn one! My usually gets hit hard, but with clever deployment of valk, leaving it till last to deploy it out of firelines and having 14 wounds usually keeps it alive. Even if it is degraded to its lowest setting, with only 20" move, it still has a 20" advance and it doesnt; say you can't advance and disembark. Then like Doof says, you deploy 9" away and then move 6" leaving a 3" charge. You will lose one or two on the insertion, I usually re roll one for a CP if needed. 


With a simple psyhic barrier for the 2++ and the priest near by gives you 30 power sword attacks hitting on 3+ with re rolls. Usually thats 26-27 hits, so even on 5's to wound its 8-9 wounds. which is great. 


Id highly recommend them





I used Anvil industries miniatures for mine with a GW priest

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I can't bring myself to use them.


I like to outgun the enemy, don't want my own troops preventing me from shooting the enemy! 

And if I do I'll do it with some cheap catachans :).

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