Machine God Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 Hello All. So who's vowing and how much? For the Liber! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 (edited) I’ll be vowing some stuff for the Necron forum (custom dynasty, the Naculan) and drawing up lore for each unit. Still gearing up though. Did I interpret this correctly or is this a ‘vow for the liber’ thing? Edited May 2, 2018 by Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NovemberIX Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 I'm not sure my points level since I'm still going through bits and sprues to decide what'll be what, it'll at least be a thousand points I think. This will be my third time vowing for the Codex and the Liber. I'll be mostly painting tacticals for my DIY, admittedly I'm also painting some primaris ultras for a buddy of mine who wants his own army to play with. I do hope to see more liberites join the Emperors Angels of Death and take up this challenge and grow their DIY forces. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 I'm vowing 848 points for the Sisterhood, and indirectly for the Liber ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 (edited) Acemund looked at the data slate again. There could be no mistaking the message enscribed within, although really the title at the top was all Ace needed to read. "E Tenebrae Lux". A gathering, all across the Legio - an event fabled in song and story, where legends were born and champions crowned. Every student and warrior of the Legio would gather to represent different factions by preparing intricately detailed models forged of plasterium and other materials, then face off in a game of ferocious tactical cunning and valour, designed to both teach and test the tactical and strategic prowess of battle-brothers in theoretical situations. For the last few years the Legio brothers representing the Heretics and Traitors had won the contest easily, and were already crowing about another victory. Perhaps too enthusiastically, although no doubt their Chaplains would keep them in line. This neither worried nor upset Ace - as a son of Talhon he enjoyed a good bragging contest. And as a White Hawk, he savoured the prospect of doing battle with a vaunted enemy, even if the battle in this case was purely theoretical and involved a great deal of painting and patience rather than courage and skill-at-arms. ETL, as it was known, was a big deal for all members of the Legio willing to participate. The event was overseen by a Dark Angels Captain of considerable and rightly respected authority. It was one of his serfs who had delivered the summons to the Liber - a rallying call for the Liberites to dust off their brushes, consult their heraldry charts, re-read the ancient histories and bring to life the great unsung heroes and villains of times past, to do glorious battle once more. Ace glanced around the Liber. He recognized the signs - his battle brothers were already preparing for the crucible of model warfare. It was time to let the brushes of the Liber taste paint once more. E Tenebrae Lux! The challenge was on! With a roar of enthusiasm, Acemund confronted the perennial question that preceded any ETL: what to build next? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= In the grim darkness of the far future, I'd like to think there is still tabletop gaming. Liber Ascendens! (Or 'Go Liber' in Low Gothic for us traditionalists ) I'm bringing three Librarians to the ETL party, each with a plasma pistol and force weapon. One for the Warminds, one for the Brotherhood of Crows, and one for the White Hawks - but all three for the Silver Circle, and the Liber Astartes! ...Only issue is that I don't have the codex, so I can't price them up. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= EDIT: A reliable source informs me the total is 311 points since one has an axe. Go Liber! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Edited May 2, 2018 by Ace Debonair Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 You have a PM :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted May 4, 2018 Share Posted May 4, 2018 The Iron Heralds shall stand firm for Liber. First vow is 650 odd points. A whole stack of Primaris. Suppose its time I updated all my IA's to address the current changes in the 40k Canon. That and I need to start working on my Index Xenos articles. Doctor Perils 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted May 4, 2018 Share Posted May 4, 2018 Ah, NOW it feels like the ETL again. Let the paint flow, and fly the banner of the Liber Astartes! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted May 9, 2018 Share Posted May 9, 2018 First vow is 480pts from me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted May 13, 2018 Share Posted May 13, 2018 Ooops, meant to post this a few days ago: Vow one is complete! Epistolary Domigan of the White Hawks, 9th Company Chancellor Kamon of the Warminds, 2nd Company Warrior-Lexicanium Ramirez of the Brotherhood of Crows, 1st Company 311 Points for the Liber Total! Not showing up terribly well, but Ramirez has eyes done in the same way as Kamon's gemstones - those technical gemstone paints done over silver so they glitter in the light. Also absent from this pic - I'll snap another later - is my first successful attempt at a Chapter symbol for the White Hawks! It's awfully basic and terribly crudely done, but I'm not exactly the most steady-handed chap, so it's still a big step. I've already made vow 2: Eight Reivers for the Liber, at 160 points total! Three are from the White Hawks (of course) and the other five represent the fifth (and perhaps most mysterious) Chapter of the Silver Circle - the Abyssal Host. Brother Argent, Machine God, Aqui and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted May 20, 2018 Share Posted May 20, 2018 Please excuse the double post, but I am apparently a painting MACHINE when the Liber's honour is on the line:Vow 2, Completed!Three new White Hawk Reivers, and the first five marines of the Abyssal Host surface to wage war against the constant threats that face humanity.I'm not gonna lie, I am super pleased with that tarnished turquoise armour. Also, those skull helms! I screwed up a bit with the technical gemstone paint and got it on the very ridge of the eye sockets too, but it looks enough like on-source lighting that I'm keeping it and pretending it was intentional. Keep the paint flowing, brothers! Let's show the galaxy that it's not just the 'famous names' that are making an impact in the ETL! Machine God and WarriorFish 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted May 21, 2018 Share Posted May 21, 2018 IDEA! If we mention the Liber in our vows, or mention our vow here, we should write a short piece of lore about the vow as a whole or individual units within it... E.g. Warriorfish, you vowed your two Armigiers. Perhaps you could write a short work about them crushing xenos and heretics together, or defending their lord or home. After all, this wouldn’t be the Liber without pages of fluff, now would it? ;) Just a thought. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted May 21, 2018 Share Posted May 21, 2018 I wrote a lore piece for them when I vowed ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted May 22, 2018 Share Posted May 22, 2018 IDEA! If we mention the Liber in our vows, or mention our vow here, we should write a short piece of lore about the vow as a whole or individual units within it... E.g. Warriorfish, you vowed your two Armigiers. Perhaps you could write a short work about them crushing xenos and heretics together, or defending their lord or home. After all, this wouldn’t be the Liber without pages of fluff, now would it? Just a thought. This is something I have done often when making my units. Speaking of which, I have some models that require some love and repair, Operation Reclamation is back. Only I have no idea what chapter to do. My Vanquishers, a new chapter or paint them in the colours the models intended to be when my friend built them a decade ago... :ph34r: Cambrius Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted May 24, 2018 Share Posted May 24, 2018 IDEA! If we mention the Liber in our vows, or mention our vow here, we should write a short piece of lore about the vow as a whole or individual units within it... Fair point - I just assumed everyone would be bored of hearing about the White Hawks and their braggadocious heroics by now. Next time I get chance, I'll update my previous posts with tales of the characters showcased within. I need to firstly figure out what I want for The Abyssal Host and Ramoshan naming conventions, though, so it might take a little while. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted May 26, 2018 Share Posted May 26, 2018 (edited) Here’s my vow copy pasted from the Necron outpost...would have done this earlier but I’ve been swamped with IRL stuff this week....I, Daimyo-Phaeron Presumptive Lenoch, in full view of my brothers and sisters of the Bolter and Chainsword, take up the burden of E TENEBRAE LUX for the honor of the Necron Forum and the Liber. I vow to paint 1 (one) Necron Overlord with a staff of light and a resurrection orb, for a sum of 129 (one hundred and twenty-nine) points, to be completed on or before the first of August, 2018. Success will bring eternal glory to the Naculan Dynasty, the Necron Empire, and the Liber, and failure shall earn me the Silent King's wrath and doom me to wear the badge of the Oathbreaker until the year's end. This i swear. Rezak front Rezak back Rezak side Here is Deathmark Vizier Rezak the Executioner. His weapon is a custom synaptic disintegrator with a pair of blades attached to it, hence the staff of light profile. I'm rather proud of how the model turned out, now I just need to paint him.I’ll fix photos in the morning. Too tired to do it now. EDIT: photos fixed. Edited May 26, 2018 by Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted May 28, 2018 Share Posted May 28, 2018 480pts for the Liber complete :tu: More pictures can be found in my WIP as normal, including the original lore piece I wrote for them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted June 1, 2018 Share Posted June 1, 2018 Well I've made my pledge and brought bck my old Operation Reclamation thread here to travk vow 1 as I reclaim and repair a Dreadnought my friend owned that's in need of some love. For the Liber once more! Cambrius WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted June 7, 2018 Share Posted June 7, 2018 Rezak strode forth from the storm, holding his Synaptic Obliterator low by the handle. He flicked his wrist, and the weapon snapped up from its melee form, phased through the snow and his form, and slid comfortably into his shoulder. He relaxed, aimed, and fired a sniper blast that sent a trio of tyranid warriors down like ragdolls. Their Prime looked about, seeking where the blow had come from, and quickly went down as well as Rezak unleashed another shot.That squad eliminated, he quickly phased through the outcrop to land in front of a horde of hormagaunts. A quick mental command reconfigured the choke of his weapon and he pumped two red scatterpulse shots into the tide of flesh in front of him. The light flashed and threescore fell with nary a sign of their passing, and then they were upon him.The Obliterator was as adept at melee as it was at several kilometers distant, and in less than .32 millirotations Rezak held it like a quarterstaff, twin blades flashing in the snowy air. Before long, he had backup in the form of six of his Lychguard and two of his subordinates. Together, they made short work of the horde, and Rezak hadn't even needed to trigger his resurrection orb. Excellent."Phaeron, we have eliminated the tyranid's left flank on this battle. Warriors are clear to deploy.""My thanks, Executioner. Begin backline harassment, we shall close this front shortly.""As the phaeron commands."I declare my first vow complete! Here's Rezak the Executioner, Vizier of the Deathmarks, worth 129 points.Rest of the photos are in spoiler. The snow on the model is intentional, as I quite like the effect it has. The model and the lore are from a tyranid invasion of Seranon, the crownworld. Expect the snow on the rest of my vows from here on out. And here is my 1st completed vow, with model and a short lore piece. WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted July 3, 2018 Share Posted July 3, 2018 I forgot to report another completion here - 190pts for the tally. Not that it seems there are many Liber vows going on as it is rather quiet here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted July 3, 2018 Share Posted July 3, 2018 Vow 1 Complete with a good amount of Lore on my repaired and reclaimed Dreadnought! Cambrius WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted July 4, 2018 Share Posted July 4, 2018 (edited) I forgot to report another completion here - 190pts for the tally. Not that it seems there are many Liber vows going on as it is rather quiet here! I've run out of Space Marines to paint! I can't decide if I have shamed the Liber by not having more plastic around, or done the Emperor's work by clearing out my backlog. Vow 1 Complete with a good amount of Lore on my repaired and reclaimed Dreadnought! Cambrius Sterling work, brother. I'm surprised you didn't make venerable Devrim more of a... sniper, though. EDIT: Wait, that's a Lascannon, not a melta gun. My optics need reconfiguring. Now the name makes more sense to me! Edited July 4, 2018 by Ace Debonair Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted July 4, 2018 Share Posted July 4, 2018 That's a tough one... I'm going to say both. Clearing your backlog is indeed the Emperor's work - but you do this so you have a water tight excuse to get more Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted July 4, 2018 Share Posted July 4, 2018 I mean, I have technically got more stuff - it's just not stuff I can vow for the ETL. But the Glastheim Rifts are full of dangers, and the Kabal of the Shattered World are going to be a big part of that - at least once I get them painted. It a funny thing, though, having got used to the size of the Reivers, the Dark Eldar seem absolutely tiny. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted July 4, 2018 Share Posted July 4, 2018 Sterling work, brother. I'm surprised you didn't make venerable Devrim more of a... sniper, though. EDIT: Wait, that's a Lascannon, not a melta gun. My optics need reconfiguring. Now the name makes more sense to me! Glad you spotted that little reference. :P Which console are you on again? I might have some other references sprinkled into my next vows, depending on what it is. Maybe some Exo stuff... Cambrius Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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