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Transfers & Models


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Are you guys picky with which transfers go on which models?



I'd love to have each infantry squad with a different number, but then it makes it harder to chop and change special/heavy weapons. What do you do?


Infantry transfers:



Do you guys put the big numbers on tanks or are they pretty much just surplus?



Also regarding Tank Transfers



Which ones do you actually use? I've rarely seen the top half used anywhere really

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I use the top half of the tank sheet for details mainly, access points, flame tanks and so on.

My entire army uses the 501st transfers from the infantry sheets, even tanks.


An example: On one of my leman russ turrets i used one of the square transfers. 



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have a google of some real life tanks and you'll see a number of the pics will show markings in a variety of ways for designation, information/warnings. Those transfers give you a way to put similar type things without having to free hand.


The circle with a lightning bolt on for instance I saw on a lot of the old armoured fist squads chrimeras in the old gw mags.

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My squads will be individually marked and will be linked to platoons (as is the proper custom).


My tanks will be marked in the same way that British tanks were, during the second world war.


I like my troops to be familiar with their squad mates... so they won't be swapped around :)

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