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Magnetizing a Tank Commander

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I recently acquired some new tank kits since all of my Leman Russes are from like 1999.  Anyway, I was trying to figure out how to magnetize tank commanders and their hatches and I haven't been able to think of anything simple.  I could have sworn I saw something on instagram or somewhere online before but couldn't find anything on Dakka or here.  Anybody ever try this out?  

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Appreciate the effort, Marshal, but that tutorial doesn't appear to cover what I'm looking for.


I did, however, just use my hand drill to place a wire in the tank hatch cover.  So that is now moveable.  I just gotta think about how to place a commander on the cupola so he is stable and easily removable ...

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Yeah I'm just going to stick a dowel rod in there with magnets. Should be fairly straightforward.


I'm pretty happy with how easy it was to stick a rod through the hatch hinges so I didn't need to worry about magnetizing that.

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