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Lord Solar Macharius

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has anybody seen a conversion or an updated kitbash of this guy. Saw the old model but feel like it didnt do justice to his artwork and just wanted to know has anyone encountered a conversion of him?

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I have not seen a conversion of him, particularly since he no longer has rules and well has finished his service to the Emperor RIP ;)
I would be curious to see any too, there are plenty of cheap ones going Ebay though last time I checked.

I plan on painting mine at some point and trying to use him as a Tempestor Prime or something of the likes :D 

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i'm kinda working on my own take of a Kitbash of him but it's something that is taking a bit of time for what i want to do once i get it right i'll diffidently share it

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I feel ya. The only thing I could think of is empire bitz to fill out most of it. Probably some green stuff skills as well


most of the parts i need are from Warhammer Fantasy and Scion kits one of the big problems is finding the right kind of sword for him and then there is doing his helmet which is honestly going to be the hardest part

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Normally I'm a fan of 2nd edition sculpts for the nostalgia factor, but the Macharius miniature is just u-g-l-y


That said, a great painter can work wonders, such as:




I'd love to see a resculpt to match the artwork on Fist of Demetrius:





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If you can get it (because it's in and out of stock in the GW store), the old fantasy Empire General is a perfect kit to use as a base.




Add in Scion parts to suit, and you're done. :D



@ Ran:

The reason Macharius looks a bit derpy is because he's a late 3E sculpt. GW put out a frankly heroic number of special characters and accompanying sculpts in 3E and 4E, so it was always unrealistic that many would receive Jes Goodwin's direct attention! ;)

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If you can get it (because it's in and out of stock in the GW store), the old fantasy Empire General is a perfect kit to use as a base.




Add in Scion parts to suit, and you're done. :biggrin.:



@ Ran:

The reason Macharius looks a bit derpy is because he's a late 3E sculpt. GW put out a frankly heroic number of special characters and accompanying sculpts in 3E and 4E, so it was always unrealistic that many would receive Jes Goodwin's direct attention! :wink:

Hot damn that body is exactly what i was trying to locate thanks for pointing me in it's direction dude

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I plan on painting mine at some point and trying to use him as a Tempestor Prime or something of the likes :biggrin.:

That's what I use mine for. I wish I had a second. But I have Yarrick to be my second MT Battalion HQ. Thankfuly the FAQ made Commissars usable again.

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