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Indominus Crusade

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Brothers, Knights of Dorn,



I have watched as trepidation has gripped the chapter. I have watched as fear has struck the souls of initiates, sword brethren, and neophytes alike.


I have heard it whispered in hallowed halls that the legacy of Sigismund is not enough to face the foe; that the Blood of Dorn is insufficient to vanquish the foes we now face!


The scions of Guilliman fill my brothers with self doubt. The new breed making them question what they are. They forget, that the Knights of Dorn have crusaded in His name for millennia!


In this hall, I make my hallowed vow. I will face the Xenos, and the heretic, with the blessed weapons of the Emperor. I shall tear down their machinations with the holy bolter, and I shall purge worlds with sacred fire! We shall accept any challenge no matter the odds, until all worlds are united under His name!


We march forth upon the crusade indominatus.




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Rules of the Campaign:



In order to take part in a Path to Glory campaign, you will need two or more players. Each player will need at least one Warlord, and they must then create a Warband from their codex, as described later. 

The players will fight battles against each other using the warbands they have created. The results of these battles will gain their warband strategic momentum — the warband will swell in stature as more warriors flock to your Warlord's cause and existing troops become more powerful.

Eventually, when you have slaughtered enough of the foe, you will have gained your strategic aims. The first player to win a battle with while in this state will be the victor of the campaign.



When creating a warband, do not use points values or force organization charts to pick your army. Instead, your army consists of a Warlord battling to achieve the objectives of their faction, and their band of loyal followers. As you wage war against competing warbands, your own warband will grow, and existing units will become more powerful.

To create a Warband, simply follow these steps and record the results on your Warband Roster:

  1. Pick a Faction. All current faction keywords, in accordance with the 2018 FAQ, are available. However, you may only have one. This will be your faction for the duration of the campaign.
  2. Next, pick the Warlord of your warband. This may be any HQ unit from your faction.
  3. Determine your Champion's Warlord Trait. You can either pick one from any Warlord Trait table he would be allowed to choose from, or you can generate one randomly. Either way, note this on your Warband Roster; he will have this trait for the entire Path to Glory campaign.
  4. Having named your Warlord, create a starting Warband Roster. You have 25 PL to spend to create your starting warband, including the Power Level of the Warlord. Units can take any options listed in their Army List Entries. Instead of using all of your PL on units, you may expend any amount of power from your starting list to generate Command Points. You will generate 3 Command Points for every Power Level expended in this fashion.
  5. Finally, devise a name for your Warband, one that will strike fear into the hearts of your rivals, and write it down on your Warband Roster. Your warband is now complete, and you can fight your first battle. Good luck!


Having created a Warband, you can now fight battles with it. These battles will be fought against other warbands taking part in the Path to Glory campaign. Battles will be conducted Saturdays at Checkpoint Games. Up to three games may be played per day for the campaign. However, only your top score may be added for the campaign totals. Missions will be the Maelstrom of War missions from the Core Rulebook.

You can use your entire Warband in each battle you fight. You must always select your Champion to be your Warlord. Any casualties suffered by a warband during a battle are assumed to have been replaced in time for its next conflict. If your Warlord was slain, it is assumed he was merely injured and is back to his full fighting strength for the next battle, thirsty for revenge.



Players receive additional Power Level Points after each battle is completed, depending on the result of the battle.

  1. If you tied or lost the battle, you receive 3 Power Level Points (PL) — though you may not have secured victory, your contributions to the war effort do not go unnoticed. If you win the battle, you receive 4 Power Level Points.
  2. Each faction Codex contains a list of 6 Tactical Objectives for Maelstrom of War missions specific to that faction. In addition to PL gained by loss, victory, or tie, you gain one additional PL for each of these Tactical Objectives you achieve over the course of a game. These objectives may be scored once per game, for up to a total of 6 additional PL. This means that the Maximum PL gained per mission will be 10, with 4 PL from victory, and 6 from Tactical Objectives.
  3. If a player chooses a faction from an Index, rather than a Codex, that does not have its own Tactical Objectives, then they may choose Tactical Objectives from a Faction which shares at least one Faction Key Word.
  4. These Power Levels may be used to expand your Warband. PL may be expended to purchase additional units using the same rules as during the Warband’s creation. Alternatively, PL may be expended to gain Command Points, at a rate of 3 Command Points per each PL.
  5. Command points will be kept as a running total throughout the Campaign. Once a CP has been spent, it may not be recovered. Command points may only be generated through expending PL.
  6. Command Points (CP) may be spent to purchase relics using the relevant codex Strategem. These points must be spent every game to use the relic(s).
  7. If a Warband is completely painted and based, they will receive an additional Command Re-roll each turn for free!



Upon completion of the 6 missions, a grand battle will be held with all Warbands competing for domination. The winner of this battle will ensure the dominance of their faction in the galactic sector!

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Tomorrow I will bring the following:


Faction: Black Templar
Warlord: The Emperors Champion
Trait: Oathkeeper
Chapter Tactics: Righteous Zeal
Power Level Total: 25
The Emperor's Champion 
Sword Brethren (6) 
Stormraven Gunship 
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