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Contemplating BA: where should I start?


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I was thinking about starting this army and I took a look in this section to make an idea of what I would need to buy.

Problem is: all list are very different! I come from GK, where more or less we have very few units viable.

I was thinking about some troops and maybe something called "captain smash"? Intercessors (the primaris troops right?) seem very popular.

What are the basics of every BA list?


Thanks for your help!

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To be honest, the lists could change quite a bit in the near future with the beta rules.


However so far BA lists consists of Scouts to secure drop space for you and deny drop space for the opponent, a Captain with Jump Pack relic + Thunderhammer + Storm shield, and either Deathcompany with Lemartes or Sanguinary Guard (or both sometimes). That's pretty much the core of most lists.

Other good things are Mephiston, Intercessors, Inceptors, Hellblaster, an Ancient with relic banner and the basic SM stuff (Devastators, Preds, Razorbacks, Storm ravens etc).

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Buy 2 boxes of Sanguinary guard, build 9 with swords/fists and bolters. Build 1 as an ancient with a fist.


Buy Death Company Strike Force, build the 15 DC with bolters/chainswords and mix in some hammers and power swords. Build the dread as a librarian dread and convert the DC chaplain model into a jump captain with hammer and storm shield.


Buy a box of 10 Intercessors, build 2x 5man units and model the sergeants with power swords and aux grenade launcher. You can opt for cheapo chainswords but the sarges become legit solo threats w the power sword.


Buy 10 scouts and model five with bolters+heavy bolter and five with pistol/blade.


Buy an inceptors box and build the plasma version.


Order Mephiston and the Sanguinor.


That will be a solid start. All the above units are highly competitive.

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It always depends on how much you want to throw in and what type of play style you want to get into.


If you aim just for the currently "good"units. I would not recommand the start collecting box. The terminator captain is not as useful as a JP captain because of our stratagems, the baal predator falls behind gunship and razorback effectiveness and the tactical marines are easily replaced.


If you can get your hands on primaris starters like know no fear or dark imperium, they are pretty good value if you sell back the deathguard part. Intercessors and inceptors are playable and effective in a blood angel army. Hellblasters are a bit less useful but they are still a good unit. With the deathguard part split, for 100$ you can pile up 10 intercessors, 6 inceptors, and 10 hellblasters.


Also I second Diagramdude's suggestion, it's a VERY solid start, but more expensive.

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Capt smashypants is pretty easy to kitbash. Scouts is where i would start for competative troops. Hopefully you have a cool group that promotes proxy testing so you can get a feel for the units you like before purchase. Blood angels can be played in a huge variety of ways. Dont get bogged down in a one trick pony list or feel that melee is the only way to go. Experiment and go for the units you find to be cool.
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All excellent advice so far, but if I may add:

  • Never buy a Rhino. If you want one, get the Razorback box as then you'll have options for both
  • The Death Company and Sanguinary Guard boxes are excellent sources of bits. Worth having even if you don't wish to use them as depicted
  • The BA Tactical box is great for blinged line troopers and is best to mix and match with normal ones (if that's your thing of course)
  • If you want line troopers though, arguably the best source is Betrayal at Calth or Battle of Prospero. Just be aware that the FW upgrades may vanish soon (you'll only need a few to add variety along with bits from the above options)
  • If you want things like Devastators, Assault Squads, etc, then go for the BA versions (i.e. the online ones that come with the BA upgrade sprue for a few £ extra) as it's cheaper then buying them separate
  • If you're in the UK, order from Darksphere to save cash (I'm sure there are alternatives for those who live elsewhere...)
  • Stormravens are still great

Other than that, welcome to the Blood Angels :tu: and if you plan on painting anything up over the summer, then you should consider joining our ETL crusade...

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Just want to point out a little non-competitive unit that people tend to ignore but can be really fun to use on the board. Blood Angels just got access to the Land Speeder Storm. This is is so much fun to use in conjunction with a  space marine scout force and can provide good coverage for a flank and surprise your opponent. Plus they look awesome!


Are you looking to remain shooty with a good counter-charge punch or do you want to be assault focused? Regardless of this approach you take always buy the miniatures that you enjoy the look of first. ^_^ The competitive spirit in most of us usually takes over eventually but keep in mind this is a game for entertainment. So just start off with the units you like the most. 

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Just a reminder for the start collecting box. You can build the Baal predator as an alternative razorback if you simply use the assault cannons and dont add any sponsons on it.




Also tacticals may not be the strongest option, but you can use that kit to build almost every non-primaris infantry, especially if you have some spare bits around. I've use it to build tacticals, company vets, sternguard vets and assault marines. You can even build death company or characters with that kit. 

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