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Getting Autocannons into my list

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So with primaris marines, necrons with quantum shielding, more multi wound models with quantum shielding, and in general more -1 to hit being spread around, I'm thinking the old autocannon might actually have more of a place in my list. The problem where to cram them in.


While the easiest answer is the humble infantry squads, I have been having way more success using naked squads. The constant moving and being shot up means any points in heavy weapons are usually wasted. It is an option in just trying to figure out other options. Here's what I'm thinking.


1. Sentinels (both flavours)

2. Taurox

3. Heavyweapon squads

4. Hydra (It's only one damage but with popularity of fly could be useful)


I haven't had much success with heavy weapon squads as my opponents will blast them off the table. Sentinels have had mixed results. Haven't tried the other 2 options so open to hear opinions and even actual results.

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Bare bones leman russ exterminator should be a decent idea. 155 for 8 autocannon shots on T8 platform sounds good.


I personally play with Tallarn regimental doctrine, with exterminator leman russes equipped with lascannons, multimeltas and track guards. Sure its expensive but it shreds heavy infantry (lychguard, terminators) and busts vehicles (with tallarn regimental doctrine it can move like it means it) quite efficently. 

A HWS for 6 shots is only 54 points a squad. 3 of them is 162 points, for 18 shots. They are the cheapest way to get them into a force

While this is true and probably the route I will try first. I am worried about them being deleted turn 1. I'll have to see how it goes.

Most opponents underestimate them. It will be a small chunk of your army, you will have scarier things

sounds like you don't fight many armies that have a large stock of Terminators in them (Dark Angles Deathwing companies come to mind) they know how dangerous they can be in a recent 2K game where i had a Baneblade my opponent was more worried about the Autocannons in my lines that could put down reliable wounds on his dudes then the Baneblade  



Most opponents underestimate them. It will be a small chunk of your army, you will have scarier things

sounds like you don't fight many armies that have a large stock of Terminators in them (Dark Angles Deathwing companies come to mind) they know how dangerous they can be in a recent 2K game where i had a Baneblade my opponent was more worried about the Autocannons in my lines that could put down reliable wounds on his dudes then the Baneblade

Nah, I just have chaff so far forward if deep strikers can get in range, it isn't rapid fire. Also if they target my cheap HWT, oh well. Life is cheap in the guard, good luck surviving the incoming bucket of dice from lasguns

As an AdMech player, I can tell you right now I'd go after the autocannons first before things like lascannons, especially if in a Heavy Weapons Team. They have more shots, so there's a higher chance of me getting hit. The Str 7 AP-1 can easily wound anything that isn't my Kastelans or Dunecrawlers, and even then those are wounded on a 4+. And the flat 2 damage honestly scares me more than the 1 shot of d6 damage from a lascannon.


I never underestimate an Autocannon. If anything, I prioritize them. But that's just me.

I can't speak highly enough about sticking the autocannons in the basic infantry squads! Especially for squads that you plan on camping on top of a home objective. Even using them aggressively turn 1 I find that I get a fair amount of use out of them throughout the game. I find that the opponent has to devote more firepower than they want to at one of these squads to ensure they get rid of the auto cannon team since they are almost always the last model I remove (and they have 2 wounds!). Sure they can get blown up pretty quick but it is only a 52 point squad and any fire directed at the infantry squads is a win for the rest of your army


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